Kids of EB

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Probably; anyone who wrenches on their own rigs for fun instead of partying with the "in-crowd" is not to be trusted.
I did both! For my own high school prom, we finished the engine swap on my 1979 Firebird just hours before prom. Sure enough, there were overheating issues on the drive there, so I had to pull over. Was on the side of the road with a timing light and distributor wrench in a tux with the hood popped, but I got her going again!
If the women don't find you handsome, they should at leat find you handy!!
Handy or handsy?

It has to go handy, then handsy. I've never seen a plot go the other way. Otherwise, it's just a housewife getting laid and asking the guy to fix her plumbing after they're already done, and we know exactly how much handywork he'd feel like doing at that point.


minisnick was using my kindle last night, he had gotten into the photo album and came up to me and with a picture of him playing at the park outside the butterfly house in STL on the screen. He pointed at the picture and said Let's go back to here.

I remember when FLBuff started both this thread and the "Expecting" thread. His wife and mine were both pregnant, and we ended up having our little girls 4 days apart. Now they are 5!

How time flies. My little girl has started private gymnastics lessons - her instructor said with a little one-on-one training outside of the regular class she is in, she would definitely be competition ready by November. WHAT!?! Holy cow, I just brought this little girl home from the hospital yesterday, now she could possibly compete in gymnastic competitions??


That's crazy Ktulu. Then again, I remember junior first smearing turd on the wall when I met her (she was 2), and she now has her first cheerleading competition tomorrow...

We went bowling on Saturday. With the aide of just bumpers, no ramp minisnick bowled a 75. 3/4 of the way through game 2 we asked if he wanted to use the ramp since he was getting tired and managed a 70. 3rd game mostly with the ramp he bowled a 74.

On the way home we called my sister so minisnick could tell her he bowls better than she does.

Junior did pretty good at her cheer competition. Only three of them showed up (we're pretty sure the organizer of her group told the rest of them the wrong date). They placed third in their group out of 6 teams, and we feel like they probably would have been scored higher if the rest of the group had showed up (they did a better job technically than many of the others, but only the top two go on to the next level of competition - we feel like they didn't want to send a group of 3, when the average size was 15+).

That aside, she's done with cheerleading, is thrilled about her trophy/ribbon, and wants to go back to karate now. Good thing, too, because cheer parents are right up there with pageant moms. It was a bunch of morbidly obese middle-aged women living vicariously through their 5-14 year old girls, and a bunch of high strung, uber competitive cheer dads who clearly regretted not having a son.

My boy (3 yrs old) has been asking to go on a boat ride for the last couple of days since I returned from a work trip last Friday. My wife and my answer has been "we'll see" for a number of reasons (too windy, have to visit grandma & grandpa, mother's day, etc.) So it wasn't a big surprise that he asked again when the family and extended family went out for breakfast yesterday morning after church. In the middle of the meal, he looks at me and asks "Can we go for a boat ride today daddy?" to which I defer and say since it's mother's day we have to do what mommy want to do today. He then turns to his mother and asks "What lake do you want to go to Mommy?

tomorrow is minisnicks pre-k screening appt. It would be great if he can get in, but there are things that will help get him in and others that will not.

With an october birthday he would have athat extra year before kindergarten so if he doesn't get in for this fall, he could possibly get in for next fall.

They take those kids who score less first than if there is room they will take others.

It really is going to depend on the things they ask him. Sometimes he can talk as clear as a grownup and other times (like when he is excited) it comes out as gibberish.

If given a bucket of colored items he can sort them by color but he can't tell you what the color is. He can say the colors but he just starts running through the color list until he get the answer right. This is frustrating and we try to work on it daily...pure laziness on his end i think.

... he looks at me and asks "Can we go for a boat ride today daddy?" to which I defer and say since it's mother's day we have to do what mommy want to do today. He then turns to his mother and asks "What lake do you want to go to Mommy?
That reminds me of my 3-year old yesterday as well. We were at my parent's house and my mom needed me to do some manual labor around the house. Both she and my dad have gimp arms for the next couple of weeks (arthritis surgery and broken collar bone). Anywho, I JUST finished working nights during a turnaround at 2:30 AM that morning. My boy asks me (for my mom since I'm in the next room) if I'm too tired to do the needed work (he loves working with tools). I respond with, "I'm too tired right now. Give me 30 minutes for a quick nap." He turns around and tells my mom, "He's not tired. What can we work on first?"

tomorrow is minisnicks pre-k screening appt. It would be great if he can get in, but there are things that will help get him in and others that will not.

With an october birthday he would have athat extra year before kindergarten so if he doesn't get in for this fall, he could possibly get in for next fall.

They take those kids who score less first than if there is room they will take others.

It really is going to depend on the things they ask him. Sometimes he can talk as clear as a grownup and other times (like when he is excited) it comes out as gibberish.

If given a bucket of colored items he can sort them by color but he can't tell you what the color is. He can say the colors but he just starts running through the color list until he get the answer right. This is frustrating and we try to work on it daily...pure laziness on his end i think.
Good luck on the screening! We just got through this with our daughter. She has a couple of things to work on before school but I was inmpressed with how she knew things that we don't remember teaching her. They know alot more than we give them credit for...

Overheard at a coworkers house this weekend between father & youngest son:

Dad - I used to read the dictionary for fun.

Son - you didn't know what fun meant?

Dad - You win this conversation, you win.

Son runs off laughing...

tomorrow is minisnicks pre-k screening appt. It would be great if he can get in, but there are things that will help get him in and others that will not.

With an october birthday he would have athat extra year before kindergarten so if he doesn't get in for this fall, he could possibly get in for next fall.

They take those kids who score less first than if there is room they will take others.

It really is going to depend on the things they ask him. Sometimes he can talk as clear as a grownup and other times (like when he is excited) it comes out as gibberish.

If given a bucket of colored items he can sort them by color but he can't tell you what the color is. He can say the colors but he just starts running through the color list until he get the answer right. This is frustrating and we try to work on it daily...pure laziness on his end i think.
Good luck on the screening! We just got through this with our daughter. She has a couple of things to work on before school but I was inmpressed with how she knew things that we don't remember teaching her. They know alot more than we give them credit for...
So true! Part of the reason I'd like him in the pre-k is to get to know more kids his age than those that attend his daycare. There is one other that is his age that will be in his class when he starts school. there are lots more older by a year or 2 and several a yr or so younger, so depending on the number of kids that day he gets shifted between the toddler room and preschool age room a lot.

^^^ That's part of the reason we spent so much on the daycare center we sent our kids to. It was only a "daycare" facility before 8am and after 3pm. During the day, the kids were in "school" (age appropriate). If you keep your child in their school for a full year before they enroll for kindergarten, the center will promise that all of the school district's kindergarten requirements will be met (colors, shapes, alphabet, math, reading, etc)...

Only real downside was that most of the kids find themselves in the "advanced" category once they're in grade school and get bored while their classmates "catch-up". Many parents end up transferring them to a montesori, private, or a charter school so their kids aren't held back anymore.

MiniBuff 1 is getting to the point where it is time to take the training wheels off her bike, and she is super nervous about it. We got a used Strider bike from a friend of ours for a pretty good deal. It is basically a bike w/o pedals that lets the kid get used to their sense of balance. I thought it was a little silly to get it, as MiniBuff 1 can already ski down any blue run we take her down. I almost took her down an easier black last year, so her sense of balance seemed pretty good to me. But she was nervous, and Mrs. Buff wanted to ease her fears, so I relented. Within the first 50 yards of being on the Strider, MiniBuff 1 was wheelin' down the path like a champ. Yesterday, she and I went for about a 18 mile ride, with me pulling her behind me on a ride-behind attachment to my mountain bike. I heard several "This is so much fun, dad!" comments behind me. Looks like I'll have a biking partner sooner rather than later!
