Kids of EB

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No. But apparently, a pair of black Nike Elite basketball crew socks is a necessity for a 5th grade crossing over ceremony. Just so you know.

woohoo minisnick has his first dentist visit tomorrow morning...that should be interesting. not exactly sure what to expect seeing as he is 2.5 yrs old.

That reminds me that I need to schedule mini-ble1's next dentist appt. He went for the first time in January and did reasonably well considering he was getting his teeth scraped for the first time.

he will occasionally fight the brushing by biting down on the brush, but he has gotten much better hence I scheduled the appointement...just not sure how he is going to react...will probably depend on the dentist and hygenist...although the hygenists are all girls so he will be in heaven.

Had to take Emmett in to the dentist to get one of his teeth taken out a few months ago when I was still home (this one wasn't coming out and the new one was starting to come in behind it). Nothing better than a 6 year old hopped up on nitrous.

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minisnick did great at the dentist visit. he even got some of his teeth polished too. He only started pushing away when she used the water vacuum to get the rinse water out of his mouth.

DId well when the dentist came in too...although the binocular things attached to the glasses kind of bothered him...he got all shy again when he saw the dentist...I think if the dr would have come in without them, explained them and THEN put them on I think minisnick wouldn't have been as shy. very patient with minisnick.

no where near as bad as taking him to the dr....he freaks because he thinks he is going to get shots everytime we go.

Two kids finally at the same school again, so nice.

My daughter finally graduated up to kindergarten which allows her to join her older brother at the summer program with the elementary school. Having both kids at the same school saves 15 minutes off of my commute (each way), plus saves a ton of money over the daycare center she used to be at.

You heard her, someone go draw a vagina in paint. This sounds like a job for MS.
This sounds like a challenge. Now, I must admit I don't have the know-how to make a Hydra or plane on a treadmill, but I'm sure I can make a vagina.

Anyone else's kids play lacrosse? My mini-tex plays, and he loves it. It was his second season this year. It's kind of like hockey, but without the ice rink...

Anyone else's kids play lacrosse? My mini-tex plays, and he loves it. It was his second season this year. It's kind of like hockey, but without the ice rink...
too yuppy of a sport for our is hockey unfornuately.

just the basics around here. Baseball football soccer track basketball and volleyball. golf is a club sport

The only way to get your kid into a "basic" sport around here is to have them born into it. If your kid doesn't show a natural talent in the sport by age 10, you might as well kiss any chances of them playing it (even just recreationally) goodbye.

Anyone else's kids play lacrosse? My mini-tex plays, and he loves it. It was his second season this year. It's kind of like hockey, but without the ice rink...
too yuppy of a sport for our is hockey unfornuately.

just the basics around here. Baseball football soccer track basketball and volleyball. golf is a club sport
LAX has really taken off here in Texas. It was originally a Native American game. That's what got my son interested in the first place. All the commotion feels like when soccer really took off when I was a little kid.

The only way to get your kid into a "basic" sport around here is to have them born into it. If your kid doesn't show a natural talent in the sport by age 10, you might as well kiss any chances of them playing it (even just recreationally) goodbye.
In Texas, any boy can play football for as long as he wants...maybe not on varsity until he's a senior (because that's required by rule).

It's religion here.

The others get to be "club sports" by 6th grade. If you haven't already played, it's too late. If you quit playing for a while, it's too late. I think that's what has killed little league baseball in the US.

they take EVERYONE around here because they need the bodies. Saw the local highschool football team practicing the other day (summer work outs) probably not a kid out there more than 120-130 lbs. Being a farming town I figured we would have a couple big guys...but apparently not.

Yeah, too many parents (at least in the suburbs) have elevated the game to the point they expect their children to be the next Tiger Woods that they've essentially eliminated the recreational sport. I grew up in a small mountain town and could play any of the basic sports I wanted to. I even played 3 varsity sports EACH YEAR in highschool (soccer, wrestling, and track/baseball). I fear my son won't be able to play any ONE of them by middle school if he's not dedicated to it within the next few years...

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Anyone else's kids play lacrosse? My mini-tex plays, and he loves it. It was his second season this year. It's kind of like hockey, but without the ice rink...
ummm... no field hockey is like hockey with out the ice.... lacrosse is much much different, cradling the ball in the basket is much more difficult than dribbling the ball in field hockey...

I always referred to LAX as the game "where you can beat the other kids with the stick as long as you are holding it with both hands"

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