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^^Crawler, but only if she wants to.

She is content to sit and play, but if you let her see the cordless phone, remote, or her favorite toy phone she will start moving to get it.

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Minisnick's crawl was like a one legged scooch, the left leg always stayed like he was sitting indian style and the right leg did all the work....he never really went too far so the play pen didn't get used as often as I thought it would have

We were expecting #2. Went to the 1st ultrasound at nearly the 8th week mark Friday and saw the heartbeat. Amniotic sac looked small to the doc. I didn't get any sense of urgency, but my wife was worried. The next day the baby was gone.

I know it happens all the time, that's why they tell you not to tell people about the pregnancy until 12 weeks. But it really is tough to swallow. We had started to plan for the fall birth and now we'll have to try again.

We leave for vacation on Wednesday. I hope the time off will help the Mrs. cheer up, but I wish we weren't going anywhere now.

Just bummed out.

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Sorry to hear that, CDC. Try to relax and enjoy that vacation. Sounds like some stress-free time together would be good for the two of you.

cdc. very soryy to hear this. My sympathies to you and the mrs. Enjoy your vacation time together.

thats never an easy time. Sorry for your loss. Have fun on vacation, hopefully it will help keep your minds from lingering

minisnick's first 2nd yr molar finally broke through the gums this weekend. Hopefully he will be a little less crabby this week

Sorry to hear about the baby cdc.

I hope that you enjoy your vacation.

Sorry for the loss, cdc. I hope that you and the Mrs. are going somewhere warm, so you guys can just chill.

We're headed south of Playa Del Carmen. It'll be fun to play with mini CDC as he was 2.5 in December and he'll love the beach. It'll be a big change from the snow filled playground here.

Thanks again for the good thoughts. And sorry to bring that sad $h!t here, but since we hadn't told anyone the wife was pregnant nor did we tell them that we wanted to try for another baby I just wanted to vent the negative someplace.

Thanks again

On a different note, when the heck is mini CDC gonna get serious about the potty? I thought daycare would peer pressure him into it, but he's not yet really interested.

he's a boy. They are apparently late starters with the whole potty thing...I feel your pain. We got minisnick to sit on the potty 3 times this weekend but we just missed it all 3 times.

We're headed south of Playa Del Carmen. It'll be fun to play with mini CDC as he was 2.5 in December and he'll love the beach. It'll be a big change from the snow filled playground here.
Playa Del Carmen is awesome! A lot of very nice beaches. Had fun taking a boat from PDC to Cozumel which has some excellent scuba spots. Also went to Isla Mujeres for a shopping day trip. Great beaches there too (and scenery since the name means "Island of Women" :dancingnaughty: ). Hope you have fun and can leave the troubles behind for a bit.

Over the last week I've had 5 different people I know each welcome a new baby into their respective families. A frat buddy had his first baby on 2/29, then another college friend had his first baby on the 2nd, a poker buddy had his first baby on Monday, then a friend of my wife had her baby yesterday, and finally my sister had her baby this morning. On top of that, today is my daugher's 5th birthday. Anyone know a cheap place to buy gifts, I can't afford this many at once...

Over the last week I've had 5 different people I know each welcome a new baby into their respective families. A frat buddy had his first baby on 2/29, then another college friend had his first baby on the 2nd, a poker buddy had his first baby on Monday, then a friend of my wife had her baby yesterday, and finally my sister had her baby this morning. On top of that, today is my daugher's 5th birthday. Anyone know a cheap place to buy gifts, I can't afford this many at once...
sorry dex, no sympahties here. you have known about these so you should have planned accordingly.

On a different note, when the heck is mini CDC gonna get serious about the potty? I thought daycare would peer pressure him into it, but he's not yet really interested.
Let him pee outside in the bushes first. Boys love to pee outside. Then he can transfer the fun to the potty.

Playa Del Carmen is awesome! A lot of very nice beaatches. Had fun taking a boat from PDC to Cozumel which has some excellent scuba spots. Also went to Isla Mujeres for a shopping day trip. Great beaches there too (and scenery since the name means "Island of Women" :dancingnaughty: ).
fixed it for you.
