Kids of EB

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The wierd part is when they're 2-4 yrs old and they start talking so fast that it sounds like theyre blabbering, but you can still understand everything they said when everyone else doesnt have a clue.

Several years ago we thought our neighbors 3yr old son had some speech impediment because it all sounded like blabber and we were amazed his parents knew what he said. Now after both our kids have gone through it, I understand completely. My 4yr old still does it once in a while.

Don't be too eager to turn your kids forward-facing. They are MUCH more protected in rear-facing seats even if they are less comfortable. There are plenty of videos out there showing the differences between rear and forward facing during a wreck that will probably easily convince you to agree. Look up internal decapitation to see what I mean.
Our 5 year old has been in a booster seat for a little while now, so now our youngest wants one too. He's only a month or so from being 4 but he's already 44 pounds.

nightly bath, yeah right not enough time in the day for every night!!!! Minisnick likes bathtime, but if we mention its bathtime tonight somehow he manages to pass out super early before we can even get to bathtime.
For some reason ours can't be has to have a bath and the other has to have a it takes twice as long as it used to when you could just give both of them a bath together. They can get away with this with mom when I'm not there, but once I get home and I'm doing bath night they both go in the shower together whether they like it or not.

nightly bath, yeah right not enough time in the day for every night!!!! Minisnick likes bathtime, but if we mention its bathtime tonight somehow he manages to pass out super early before we can even get to bathtime.
For some reason ours can't be has to have a bath and the other has to have a it takes twice as long as it used to when you could just give both of them a bath together. They can get away with this with mom when I'm not there, but once I get home and I'm doing bath night they both go in the shower together whether they like it or not.

I always did the together bath thing until my sons (18 months apart) got too big for the tub. Showers were always one at a time. I was too afraid that one would slip and fall if they started horsing around. Plus there's only one shower head so you have to wash them one at time anyway. just my 0.02.

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nightly bath, yeah right not enough time in the day for every night!!!! Minisnick likes bathtime, but if we mention its bathtime tonight somehow he manages to pass out super early before we can even get to bathtime.
For some reason ours can't be has to have a bath and the other has to have a it takes twice as long as it used to when you could just give both of them a bath together. They can get away with this with mom when I'm not there, but once I get home and I'm doing bath night they both go in the shower together whether they like it or not.

I always did the together bath thing until my sons (18 months apart) got too big for the tub. Showers were always one at a time. I was too afraid that one would slip and fall if they started horsing around. Plus there's only one shower head so you have to wash them one at time anyway. just my 0.02.
They still take a bath together although my son is showing interest in taking a shower. We only have 1 bathroom in the house we live in now, so we will probably continue the group bath until we get the new house. Once in the new house, each child will end up with thier own bathroom which would make the seperate bath/shower thing easier.

i wish minisnick liked showers that would make it easier. he freaks out when I hand him to mr snick in the shower. Sometimes a quick rinse is needed and OMG you'd think we were hurting him with all the screaming!!!!

when do they like swings again? minisnick loved the swing at the park until last fall. I tried again this week and same thing. He screamed bloody murder when I put him in the baby swing. I even tried sitting on the regular swing while holding him in my lap and he wasn't a fan of that either.

had to cancel the picture appointment yesterday. Minisnick woke up with a big old rash on the side of his face. A little better this morning, but it will be a few days before it is gone.

Not sure what caused it though. no new food. The sheets had only been on the bed for a couple days.

Mini OSU is 9-months now... She's growing like a weed... We've been fighting a rash under her neck and chin for the last 2 months or so, finally got sent to a dermatologist to get rid of it... 2 days of using the soap, creams and lotions they gave us and it was gone... You can kinda see the redness on her neck and face in the Easter basket pic

She's rolling all over the living room now.. using walls and furniture to change directions... loves to jump in the little jumpers and exer-saucers... She's getting pretty good with the "Da-dad-dad-dad" and "Mom-mom-mom" 's... And she'll search for the cat if we meow, her meow doesn't quite sound right yet lol



Mini OSU is 9-months now... She's growing like a weed... We've been fighting a rash under her neck and chin for the last 2 months or so, finally got sent to a dermatologist to get rid of it... 2 days of using the soap, creams and lotions they gave us and it was gone... You can kinda see the redness on her neck and face in the Easter basket pic
She's rolling all over the living room now.. using walls and furniture to change directions... loves to jump in the little jumpers and exer-saucers... She's getting pretty good with the "Da-dad-dad-dad" and "Mom-mom-mom" 's... And she'll search for the cat if we meow, her meow doesn't quite sound right yet lol
Cute kid, OSUguy98!

Little ElCid decided to start the terrible 2's at 18 months.

BTW Wankel Engines are bad ass.

Mini-OSU's tooth #8 came through yesterday... no wonder she was crying (while asleep for most of it) off and on through the night...

She found my Xbox... loves the power button... I knew we should've gotten the TV stand with a glass door....

Mini OSU is 9-months now... She's growing like a weed... We've been fighting a rash under her neck and chin for the last 2 months or so, finally got sent to a dermatologist to get rid of it... 2 days of using the soap, creams and lotions they gave us and it was gone... You can kinda see the redness on her neck and face in the Easter basket pic
She's rolling all over the living room now.. using walls and furniture to change directions... loves to jump in the little jumpers and exer-saucers... She's getting pretty good with the "Da-dad-dad-dad" and "Mom-mom-mom" 's... And she'll search for the cat if we meow, her meow doesn't quite sound right yet lol
Miss Universe 2030 there

teething is never a fun time. Minisnick is done until the 2yr molars decide to make their appearance so hopefully we have 5 months of teething freedom
