Kids of EB

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Sat through Junior's holiday plan the other night. It was "Frozen." Mother of God, I wanted to shoot myself. Less because of the pitchy, tone deaf kids, than for the asshole parents. First thing they say was everyone please sit down (this is in a cafeteria). So what do all the assholes do? Sit on top of the tables or stand, and hold their f*cking billboard sized iPads in the f*cking air so nobody can see a damned thing. I hope the guy in front of me appreciates the audio on his film when he rewatches is, since it will contain a considerable amount of "this would be a lot better if a few assholes would FOLLOW THE RULES AND SIT THE HELL DOWN SO EVERYONE CAN SEE, LIKE THESE IDIOTS SITTING RIGHT IN FRONT OF US."
Ah the joys of the elementary school pageants. I hope you came through loud and clear on their recording. LOL
Nice Mike!

It looks like both of the ble kids are sick right now. Mini-ble1 has had a cough for a few days, but he seemed to be getting better, but this morning both kids woke up crying saying that their ears were hurting. Mrs. ble is taking them to the dr now. I hope it isn't anything too bad and that they can start to recover quickly, or else this is going to be a crappy Christmas.

If they have ear infections, the mini-Buffs are usually a ton better after 1 dose of antibiotics. I hope it is the same for the mini-Bles, so that you can be SIMPLY HAVING A WONDERFUL CHRISTMASTIME.

on the way to daycare this morning I was given explicit instructions on what we have to do tonight in preparation for Santa. We have to put the cookies we made this weekend on a plate and put it on the table. Santa needs a glass of milk in a Glass plastic cups for the man in red. Then we need two bowls of water. one for rudolph alone and the other for the rest of the reindeer to share. Each bowl needs a note attached so Santa knows which bowl of water to give to which reindeer since they aren't allowed in the house.

Kids are finally asleep.

Time to go eat some cookies and drink some milk...

Also need to hide the celery left for the reindeer. There were no carrots in the fridge so it was decided that Rudolph would be happy with celery... :)

on the way to daycare this morning I was given explicit instructions on what we have to do tonight in preparation for Santa. We have to put the cookies we made this weekend on a plate and put it on the table. Santa needs a glass of milk in a Glass plastic cups for the man in red. Then we need two bowls of water. one for rudolph alone and the other for the rest of the reindeer to share. Each bowl needs a note attached so Santa knows which bowl of water to give to which reindeer since they aren't allowed in the house.
Why does Rudolph get preferential treatment? Sounds like deer racism to me

In today's society, different is the only way to go. Conforming is no longer allowed.

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this is a repeat for my FB friends but it still makes me laugh thinking about it so I am going to share again.

While in the restroom at a store this weekend, minisnick yells , "bombs away!" just before he goes poop. It was loud enough that someone walking by the restroom would have heard. I explained one doesn't say such things out in public, and he repeated the phrase in a whisper for the next deposit. Just glad there was no one else in the restroom at the same time.

Kicked ass in settlers of catan and guess who.

We're on to candy land next.

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