Judge orders parents to pay for daughters college

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Uh, since when are parents responsible for a) someone 18 or older, or b) optional, not legally required educations?

Methinks this one is going to get overturned in a court of appeals. There is no legal ground whatsoever for this one. Gee, maybe I should go sue my parents so I can get a Master's and doctorate!

That's what I'm thinking Supe, here I am busting my a$$ paying for a Master's when I could just sue my parents for it...doh, stupid me.

"A judge cited Newburgh v. Arrigo, 88 N.J. 529 (1982). In that landmark case, the state Supreme Court ruled divorced parents are responsible for providing for their child's college education."

I feel like there is some more info needed for that statement. If you are divorced you now owe college tuition, why?

I agree, bad precedent. Why are 21 years old are they having to ask for her to be emancipated, doesn't that kind of happen automatically at 18?

"A judge cited Newburgh v. Arrigo, 88 N.J. 529 (1982). In that landmark case, the state Supreme Court ruled divorced parents are responsible for providing for their child's college education."

I feel like there is some more info needed for that statement. If you are divorced you now owe college tuition, why?

I agree, bad precedent. Why are 21 years old are they having to ask for her to be emancipated, doesn't that kind of happen automatically at 18?

I'm thinking that the precedent may have had something to do with private school tuition for K-12, and they're trying to roll it over. Just an educated guess, though. Either that, or the parents were already paying for education and one of the parents tried to saddle the other with the payments as part of alimony agreements.

paying for college might have been a condition of the divorce filings? I know it was part of my old boss's divorce settlement. Mom got custody with minimal child support payments but he had to pay for college.

wasn't there a case like this a while ago where the kid emacipated but wanted the parents to pay for private school high school still?

Yes, they actually referenced that in the article. She dropped the suit.

It may be because parents can claim their kids on their tax returns and provide health insurance up to the age of 25 if they don't have gainful employment. Just spitballing here.

I call bullshit on it all. A bunch of spoiled lil biatches if you as me. You wanna go to college, not take out loans in your own name and your parents don't have to be on the hook for it either? Fine. Here's how it works:


1) be smart, get an academic scholarship;

b) be athletic and a ride that way; or

3) join the armed forces and when you get out they will pay your way.


1) be smart, get an academic scholarship;

b) be athletic and a ride that way; or

3) strip. We will all fund you then.

If none of these options work for you the one option left, GET A FRIGGIN JOB and pay your own way.

But what if a guy wants to strip? Guys can have daddy issues too.

Funny story - the daughter of one of the Commandants (military version of civilian Dean) at my college was a stripper the entire time she was in college...at a strip joint barely 15 mins away from the college. I never understood 1. Why she needed to do it since tuition is free for employees and spouses/dependents, and 2. How this guy survived in the school knowing that the vast majority of students had seen his daughter...work.

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MS Engineering Management. Needed for some advancement at this archaic place...My MSME isn't as valuable here.

there has to be "more to the story" like this was part of some divorce settlement or something?

I think the "being on parents insurance until your 26" is pure crap and will lead us to having more generations of useless young adults

maybe remove the incentive for your kids to come back home after college and maybe they will work a little harder to find employment...oh you can find a job with your marketing major? tough shit buttercup get a job at a bank and keep looking for something better...

I didn't have $ for college so I joined the army..... looking back, I should pay the army back some money since it was actually beneficial to my career / life afterwards..

MS Engineering Management. Needed for some advancement at this archaic place...My MSME isn't as valuable here.
What about you Knight?
LOL, if I already had a MS degree and my company told me I needed another for advancement, guess what I would tell them to do?

My in-progress degree is in EE with an emphasis on advanced power systems engineering. And it is sucking the life out of me.

Your "other" MS is just straight up ME or some type od emphasis?
