It's Friday!!!!

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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bly, I reserve the right to comment later in a positive or negative manner pending my internal deliberations of taking tomorrow off. Please check back later to review my response.

I say short week as there were only 2 days in the office (today being the 2nd). Monday was a field visit to a rural village. By the time I get back to the office, it'll be another short week due to the 4th of July holiday. My office is closing the doors for the 4th & 5th.

I'll try to check the threads while traveling to CA over this next week.

This thread is not supposed to be active today.

2.5 more days left in my guys are not making me happy. :i_cry:

Half of today at one office, then drive across town to the other office during my lunch break so I can meet with people that I had been working with at the first office because the project manager is at the other. After work I will be meeting up with my business partners to discuss the financials of a rental property we bought together, then I need to wash the car for a Cancer Fundraiser I will be participating in with my fellow Camaro Club guys. And to top it off I have a softball game tonight at 9. I will be sleeping well tonight...

Car in the parking lot outside my window has an alarm that won't stop going off. I'm thinking that's an inidcation the these are substandard working conditions and I should just leave for the day...

I'm sure I'll get some flak, but I've just got to spread the good news:


Also, while searching for a Friday pic, this one was in the search results as well and I figured I'd post it as well:

