If you pass PE, what do you expect from your company?

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Please dont hate me but I am going to ask for (and expect to get close to) a 100% raise!!! Im in a unique position of being in a 2 man consulting firm. When i started 8 years ago the deal was that if i got an engineering degree (and liscence), we would eventually be partners. Well here we are 8 years later. I hope to have passed the PE and we are still doing well even in this economy, so im going to shoot for the moon.

Please dont hate me but I am going to ask for (and expect to get close to) a 100% raise!!! Im in a unique position of being in a 2 man consulting firm. When i started 8 years ago the deal was that if i got an engineering degree (and liscence), we would eventually be partners. Well here we are 8 years later. I hope to have passed the PE and we are still doing well even in this economy, so im going to shoot for the moon.
Wow....please tell us if you really got 100% raise.

I'm just hoping for new business cards. No, really I expect about a 5-7% raise and full reimbursement for the test and study materials.

I expect very little, but what I would like and what I plan on asking for is a small raise and more vacation time.

I will be thankful to still be employed! I don't plan on asking for a raise, our work is really dwindling right now...so I'm just hoping for continued employment! :)

i got laid off 3 days after i passed. so not that big of a raise. my next job was a huge increase and i couldnt have gotten it w/out the PE but no direct raise. ive heard an average of 5%.

I expect a raise. Now that I'm a PE my company can bill me out for more per hour, so I feel I should make more.
Exactly. My company is a little different. I'm not in consulting so I don't represent a billing rate to our end customers. However, don't think for a minute that they won't use my accomplishment to their advantage. When they are talking with other engineering groups or business associates, they can now say that they have a PE on staff. If they do that without an increase in compensation, then they are taking advantage of me. In addition (as others have expressed), I am underpaid to begin with. Notice, I did not say "I feel underpaid." I have the data to back up my claims of a five digit discrepency. That, combined with a few other unique characteristics of my job, lead me to the same conclusion others have reached: I need to research other options. That's also the reality of it. You may advance to the point that you are more qualified than your company needs. You can either plateau at that company or seek other opportunities to advance elsewhere. It just depends on what you want out of life and how your job plays into that goal.

has anyone here used the ASCE salary survey? i looked up the salary for a CE IV for my region and thats what i plan on asking for. its a pretty good jump up, but i also looked up a CE III and found out i was being grossly underpaid before.

well i work for the DOT, and if you dont have a PE you can only be considered an "assistant engineer," you're not considered an official engineer. but after you pass you can be bumped up to a CE (civil engineer), and there are different levels of that. as i'm currently topped out in my AE pay grade, i REALLY hope i passed (i should know tomorrow).

I would be lying to everyone if I did not say that I was hoping to see an increase in compensation after receiving my passing letter in the mail Friday, but due to the current state of the economy I hope it adds to my attactiveness from my current employer. I currently work in a manufacturing environment and don't really see many opportunities to utilize the stamp however there are thousands of examples that I could provide for why an engineer is necessary in troubleshooting, maintaining and improving the current equipment and process conditions.

Absolutely nothing. I expect it will help get my resume some additional looks in case I am looking for another job. In this economy, you might need all the help you can get.

4 months before taking the exam in April '09, my boss said that he would give me a 7% raise for passing. Although we hit tough times between then and now at my smaller commercial HVAC contractor, he congratulated me on passing and said he would stay true to his word and give me the raise he promised....I had to wait three weeks longer for the raise to take affect because the day that I found out I passed 4 people were laid off from the company. Sure enough though, the raise takes affect today.

4 months before taking the exam in April '09, my boss said that he would give me a 7% raise for passing. Although we hit tough times between then and now at my smaller commercial HVAC contractor, he congratulated me on passing and said he would stay true to his word and give me the raise he promised....I had to wait three weeks longer for the raise to take affect because the day that I found out I passed 4 people were laid off from the company. Sure enough though, the raise takes affect today.

I'll get a 2 grade position bump but I doubt my pay raise will be more than 6%. I'm hoping for 10% but will not know until the wall certifacte gets here.

Got a $1,500 bonus. Once we do reviews, I'll find out if there's a raise.
