Hand Truck / Crate Question

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Food & Beverage Director
Jan 9, 2007
Reaction score
Cranford, NJ
So with a month to go, I have figured out the references that I will be bringing. Now the big question....

Any recommendations on either hand trucks or on crates?

I see a nice 400# capacity handtruck that converts to a dolly at Office Depot for about $60. But their stackable plastic crates are not very big.

Any thoughts?


Aside from the handtruck, I have seen people use those wheeled carts used for travel. The ones that fold up? I used/will use again a large wheeled suitcase....


The first time I took the exam, I used a wheeled suitcase. It worked great except that it was hard to handle (since I'm a weak woman) when getting it up into the SUV. There were lots of people with these since about everyone has one. The second time I took the exam, I planned to use it again. I got the testing city a little early the day before and went to the local Kmart. I bought a rectangular laundry basket and a luggage cart. I bungee-corded them together. It was much better than the suitcase. I could use the handles on the laundry basket to easily get it up and down out of the SUV. And my books weren't all beat up after being carried on their sides (like in the suitcase). The ideal thing would be a milkcrate that has wheels and a long handle, but my contraption was only about $20.

Make sure to bring an umbrella and a sweater/sweatshirt. You never know what the weather will be like. A cushion for the seat would have been nice too.

Good luck to you.

I used one of these


what I did was bungee cord another box of books on top of it, it worked really nice, but on the way back to my car (in the rain) the bottom fell out of the crate, But I took the exam twice, and I lugged a lot of heavy books back and forth to work daily, so it got a workout..

My advice would be, within the time constraints. Pick a couple of books that you are comfortable with (for a crutch), a three ring binder of notes (have problems that you think you will see on the test or had a hard time with in examples), and the CERM (I wrote in the margin, stapled pages in to add any information that I thought I needed). When you study, primarily try to use the CERM, find your answers there and if you can’t find them, add them. The book is already indexed for you; just add what you think you need to the book. There is just not enough time to sort through and find the examples/equations from the castle of books that people create around them. Most of all don’t forget a seat cushion so that you are comfortable (you may look funny toting it in, but 8hrs is a long time to sit on a hard chair). I hope that helps, it worked for me. Good luck.

I checked the room the day before to see the chairs, and they were cushioned so I did not bring a pillow. I did bring a large tupperwear tub for my refrences, figuring it would double as a secondary surface to spread out the books. I brought food and drinks and calculators (3) in a dufflebag with seperate compartments. I just carried it all, but then I'm a freakin animal.

I brought a single packing crate with all 4 of my references, a 6-pack cooler and a pack of granola bars.

It's funny- without so much as looking at the titles, you can tell the civils by the sheer amount of books they truck in!

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I see a nice 400# capacity handtruck that converts to a dolly at Office Depot for about $60
It costs $60 to convert it to a dolly, and you can only convert it at Office Depot? Doesn't seem worth it to me. :17:

I brought a big duffel bag and a backpack with me. The duffel bag was a shitty idea because the books are saggy, dead weight. I'd definitely do totes and something wheeled next time.

Totally, I used to kick back a couple beers with some friends before night class many nights. We had just worked all day, and were about to have class all night. We needed some kinda break.


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