Env PE Apr 2008

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Feb 25, 2008
Reaction score
For those who took the test, how did it go? I found the exam tough.

Without divulging ANY information - what general types of problems seemed to give you grief?


The ones I had problems with were WW treatment..........
I was the same way on my first attempt, in April '07. I concentrated on that for October '07, but I think not focusing on air hurt me in that attempt, so I will be taking a more full topic study aproach for attempt #3 in October '08. I will try to post my most recent diagnostic in here tomorrow or Thursday...

I took a real nuts and bolts air pollution control class as a senior that was great prep for the air question on the exam.

The air questions on the exam and in the PPI samples I had were mainly straightforward much plug and chug if I recall. Nothing all that bad.

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Water & WW Treatment were most problematic for me. I had spent quite a bit of time on the subject, but I have no work experience in it (I'm mostly remediation & air), so there were questions on concepts that I wasnt familiar with.

The Apr. 2008 enviro exam had a lot more water questions and much less wastewater questions than I anticipated in the morning session -- which was fine for me. There were a decent chunk of non-problem solving questions related to sampling, measurement, and various enviro topics of which I had no reference. There were more remediation questions and less risk assessment questions than I anticipated in the afternoon session -- which was not fine for me. Also, the Air Quality and Hazardous Waste texts I took were practically useless for the exam. I had a much more difficult time with the afternoon session -- however, the last 10 or so questions were extremely easy -- anyone else think so?

I went into the test worried about the environmental portion of the afternoon test. I was pleasantly surprised at the ease of the environmental questions. I expected (and studied for) a lot more in depth chemistry and environmental remediation. A few of the 'trivia' quesitons threw me for a bit of a loop, but the rest of them wern't too bad. The water treatment questions didn't seem as bad as I expected either, but you really had to watch your units...
