EB Mafia

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The group date was more of a forced ‘let’s get to know each other before we stab each other in the back (maybe literally) on camera for the masses entertainment’.  The contestants looked at each other in suspicion as they moved to a different staged area, some of the dresses sounding mysteriously like scales over dried leaves, clawed hands reaching into the hat to grab small slips of paper.  With @blybrook PE still being...a bear, pairing up for charades was slightly easier than expected with the odd number of contestants remaining.

Thus @Will.I.Am found themselves placed in a precarious situation, wondering about his absent wife, but also put in such a path of temptation.  With a deep breath as the contestants moved into place with the cameras following some good-hearted elbow jabs and some, frankly, artistic butterfly blade action, they took their chance.  Quickly turning, they snapped their hands out and snatched the source of their current obsession..

@blybrook PE stiffened awkwardly as @will.i.am’s began to burrow deep into their under coat, ruining the soft underlayer.  This is...not where they thought they would be this morning when they were in the Halal market looking for tahini. The camera turned back to the EB lover and caught on film possibly the only time a bear looked visibly embarrassed and slightly sexually harassed. 

@blybrook PE visibly started sweating as @Will.I.Am scooted their chair closer, their attention now on the pairs who were attempting, what looked like, interpretive dance to describe their favorite movies for @Will.i.Am to guess.

@jean15paul_PE swung around @Roarbark’s waist, adding some unnecessary grinding both front and back, and frowned severely at the guess of ‘Magic Mike’.  The second attempt of silent gesturing resulted in a guess of ‘Showgirls’, which led to @jean15paul_PE wailing and collapsing into @Roarbark's arms, weeping inconsolably.  Apparently, they were attempting to recreate the titular moment of Gene Kelly swinging around a lamp post in joy of a man loving a girl...but instead had created something more soft core due to the fact both were dressed in skimpy bikinis and lightly oiled like grandma’s fried chicken.

The second group involved @leggo PE frantically gesturing and smiling widely with a stoic @Audi driver, P.E., who obviously was not participating as they were now eyeing the director (who had to be somehow making money off of this).  With their mind made up to pursue greener pastures, they promptly walked away, leaving @leggo PE to send multiple rude gestures at their back and stomping off to get a coffee.  

@Will.I.Am guessed ‘The Muppet Christmas Carol’, which was also incorrect.

The last pair chosen to participate in this round was @chart94 and @vhab49_PE, who had been rifling around in the costuming area for a while to find the proper props.  They both emerged bedecked in heavy winter clothing, @vhab49_PE dressed up as a Minnesota cop and @chart94 obviously a person pushed beyond their means and teetering on the edge. The giant wood chipper between them was dusty and old, obviously not been used in a long time.  @vhab49_PE mimed throwing things into the wood chipper, looking on in a feral fear and @chart94 mimed back telling them to stop what they were doing (obviously messing up who was playing what at a vital moment, resulting in an armed officer of the law doing something unmentionable).

“Oh, I’ll get that!”  A perky assistant called, yanking on the frayed extension cord and plugging it into the wall.

Instead of continued silence, the point of charades, the wood chipper sprung to a rattling life.  Literally moments after the blade seemed to snap against old wood and the operating sounds raised in pitch as it struggled to process the uncleared debris.  @chart94 and @vhab49_PE jumped away from the untethered piece of equipment, both having completed their 30-hour OSHA training and knowing they shouldn’t be in the exclusion zone without PPE.

Luckily they had stepped back so quickly, as a literal fountain of blood and chunks of meat flew forth and across the ground in a 3-foot radius.  The drum of blades had chopped whatever was in there, maybe a raccoon, into oblivion. Some pieces of splintered bone glittered from the processed meat under the bright institutional lighting, highlighting the fact that maybe what had been in the wood chipper was a little bigger than expected.

Everyone stared in shock as the wood chipper gave a mechanical whine, just about to overheat, just for a thick blob of something to be released, followed by a torrent of glossy, smoothie-like, red material.  Then the smell hit them, a mix of burning electrical wires and burning meat, coating the tongue and insides of their nostrils that even a 2-hour shower couldn’t wash away. The particles of fat and pulverized tissue created a fine mist that coated everything in the surrounding 25-foot area with a slightly greasy sheen.

“I...didn’t think they’d listen to us when we said the game was going to be hide n’ seek,” someone said meekly from the back of the room, “I...didn’t think anyone would actually choose that movie…it's so...old.”

The director sighed and made sure their umbrella didn’t droop and that the cameras were still covered by the plastic tarps.  This was going to cut into their overheads. Contestants didn’t come cheap.

The announcer, who had just returned from break, sighed and turned back around for more makeup.

“AH!  Fargo!” @Will.I.Am said, finally releasing their grip on @blybrook PE to sit up straight, “Am I right?  Am I right?” They asked the horrified contestants (and @Audi driver, P.E. who somehow had their hand on the director’s arm, ever so gently).

@LyceeFruit was a normal townsperson/contestant

The remaining players are:

@jean15paul_PE@blybrook PE@Roarbark@chart94@txjennah PE@leggo PE@tj_PE@NikR_PE@Spickett@RBHeadge PE@vhab49_PE@MadamPirate, and @Audi driver, P.E.

The final vote was:

6 @LyceeFruit

3 @chart94

1 @MadamPirate

1 @txjennah PE

1 @Roarbark

1 @Audi driver, P.E.

I picked randomly well that's not true. I picked someone not on @RBHeadge PE's list and I remember @MEtoEE calling @LyceeFruit into question.

I forgot that you had voted for her.

But I had the same reaction when @chart94 voted. Don't follow me. I'm guessing and it looks like collusion. LOL :)
It's reeeeeal convenient that Chart jumped on Lycee and then  4 other people decided to follow, essentially pulling their neck off the chopping block and throwing Lycee in their place.

It's reeeeeal convenient that Chart jumped on Lycee and then  4 other people decided to follow, essentially pulling their neck off the chopping block and throwing Lycee in their place.
You sound v suspicious trying real hard to point fingers..... 

I suspected chart much less than lycee so I chose the least convincing townie of the 2 at stake

What about the people who "voted" for someone knowing it wouldn't make a difference? :dunno:

Removing @leggo PE from the equation was fairly simple.

They were already angry about not winning charades that while everyone else flocked to @Will.I.Am for the chance of a one-on-one date (or the director’s chair, in @Audi driver, P.E.’s case), @leggo PE moved away to silently contemplate where they went wrong in their life.  Leaving them alone and vulnerable, in a blood-spattered evening gown that was yet to be replaced by hair and makeup.

The killer grinned as they stepped forward from the shadows, ready to make this quick and semi-painless.  Maybe they could stuff the body somewhere a little less conspicuous than a garbage can this time?

As they followed, @leggo PE turned with their eyes narrowed and body falling naturally into a fighting pose.

“Didn’t you overhear my personal bio?  I’m trained in 18-different types of martial arts.”  They smirked and their body leapt into action, a flurry of fists and muted grunts as they forced their would-be attacker backwards.  A jab, a cross, followed by a roundhouse kick made them stumble into the wall, winded.  @leggo PE stalked closer, ready to end this.  It was kill or be killed and @leggo PE was ready to try and make this dating competition more sportsman like.

They surged forward, ready to end things with a knee to the gut, only to howl in pain when their knee cap slammed into something unyielding and much tougher than a soft stomach.  They hobbled backwards, bottom half of their right leg holding no weight, and suddenly they realized that this was part of a plan.  That their ambitious rush at the killer had led them into a more secluded area.  Somewhere that wouldn’t be investigated and was far away form the on-site toilets, where people were always loitering.

The killer smirked, hand going up to unfasten the strap holding up the gown halter top.  One part of the thin fabric drooped down under its own weight, showing off a slither of gun metal gray body armor (strapless, of course, so there were no tan lines).  Then the hem of the dress was swept to the side so the leg slit could widen and show off the arsenal of weaponry strapped to a panty-hosed leg.  A hand ever so delicately pulled itself across the tactical gear and firearms.

It was amazing how much could be hidden under an evening gown.

Before @leggo PE was able to turn, the killer threw one of the dozens of throwing knives strapped to their person.  One hit their throat, effectively silencing any calls for help.  The next bounced off the skull but left behind a huge gash from temple to chin that blinded @leggo PE in one eye.  The next three buried solidly with a thunk in @leggo PEs chest.  The remainder found their mark in one way or another.

The killer approached on kitten-heeled feet to the gasping kung-fu master, looking down with a smirk.  “This isn’t the movies.  Turns out kicking someone doesn’t work too well when you can’t even stand, eh?”  The small pistol and silencer, that had somehow been nestled in the bosom of the killer, finished the job.  The killer readjusted themselves before they joined the others, making sure everything was tucked and smooth in case they had to take a quarter-view shot.

[SIZE=12.6667px]@leggo PE [/SIZE]was killed by the mafia last night.

The remaining players are:

@jean15paul_PE@blybrook PE@Roarbark@chart94@txjennah PE,  @tj_PE@NikR_PE@Spickett@RBHeadge PE@vhab49_PE@MadamPirate, and @Audi driver, P.E.

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Also, guys, would it be possible to have the next lynching deadline moved to Monday, December 16 @ 10PM EST instead of playing each night (today and over the weekend)?  I like to try and stay off the computer once Friday afternoon arrives and since there are still 12 people playing, even weekend play would still require some spill into next week.  I'd still keep track of votes, just...not writing a ton each night/morning.

Aka: JK is tired.  Needs to meal prep.  Wants to go to bed early.

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Also, guys, would it be possible to have the next lynching deadline moved to Monday, December 16 @ 10PM EST instead of playing each night (today and over the weekend)?  I like to try and stay off the computer once Friday afternoon arrives and since there are still 12 people playing, even weekend play would still require some spill into next week.  I'd still keep track of votes, just...not writing a ton each night/morning.

Aka: JK is tired.  Needs to meal prep.  Wants to go to bed early.
I am ok with that

I think pass or fail every ones going to be occupied with something other than this thread this weekend.

I've got some sorrows to drown this weekend and then it's time to dust off and enjoy the rest of the holiday.


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