Did it get stuck?

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I saw a clip on the news this morning. It looked to me like it bottomed out and got stuck on the crest bewteen the steep drive and the street. I wonder how they got it in there. I would expect it to the same thing. Maybe all the additonal presidential occupants caused it to ride lower.

The things a tank, they should've just pushed it from behind with the SUV following and kept motoring on.

I bet the guy who did the recon for that site was fired yesterday. BIG security problem.

It looks like the BMW that led the way scraped the bottom ont he way out, too. The extra length on the limo is what prevented it from traversing the high spot.

At the end of the video they show the car backing down into the drive. I don't believe the suspension broke. Is it a front drive? They probably just put it in reverse and moved it back.

In the beginning you can see it bouncing as it heads towards the gate. They said that vehicle weighs ~ 8 TONS!

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The vehicle backing down the driveway is a backup car. I think you can still see The Beast stuck on the ridge...

I don't think that's the Beast. They both look like the 2005 Bush cars.

I would think the Beast has a higher clearance.

I'm in the "broken suspension" camp also.

I don't think that's the Beast. They both look like the 2005 Bush cars.
You're right. They are the Bush cars.

I'm in the "broken suspension" camp also.
Something definitely went on with the front suspension. I tend to think it broke, but maybe it has some super secret Ninja squat skills for some reason and it was inadvertantly activated.

I think they towed it off...
