Date Advice

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She just turned two, so she's still not potty trained.
So if you're not potty trained, you're not human?
Once they turn 2, they go into a cocoon and by the time they're 3, they emerge as a beautiful 3 year old...

Wait, mine didn't do that...

I'm not sure I'm following this string correctly. To clarify, my two year old little girl is not potty trained. Therefore, she poops in her diapers. It stinks. Then either me or my wife changes said dirty diaper. This process is repeated a few times a day as she also pees in her diapers as well. When she is potty trained she will wear underwear and this won't be necessary.
you said you figured human diapers would smell just as bad as your daughter's poop diapers...hence the what's your daughter if she isn't human.

Now I get it. My mistake, to confirm, my daughter is in fact human.

She just turned two, so she's still not potty trained.
So if you're not potty trained, you're not human?
Once they turn 2, they go into a cocoon and by the time they're 3, they emerge as a beautiful 3 year old...

Wait, mine didn't do that...

I'm not sure I'm following this string correctly. To clarify, my two year old little girl is not potty trained. Therefore, she poops in her diapers. It stinks. Then either me or my wife changes said dirty diaper. This process is repeated a few times a day as she also pees in her diapers as well. When she is potty trained she will wear underwear and this won't be necessary.
I think they were replying to this particular statement: " I'm just assuming the same would happen with human diapers."

What I believe you ment to type was ....the same would happen with ADULT diapers.

She just turned two, so she's still not potty trained.
So if you're not potty trained, you're not human?
Once they turn 2, they go into a cocoon and by the time they're 3, they emerge as a beautiful 3 year old...

Wait, mine didn't do that...

I'm not sure I'm following this string correctly. To clarify, my two year old little girl is not potty trained. Therefore, she poops in her diapers. It stinks. Then either me or my wife changes said dirty diaper. This process is repeated a few times a day as she also pees in her diapers as well. When she is potty trained she will wear underwear and this won't be necessary.
you said you figured human diapers would smell just as bad as your daughter's poop diapers...hence the what's your daughter if she isn't human.

Now I get it. My mistake, to confirm, my daughter is in fact human.
Its really hard to tell with some of those alien hybrids.

Why not just find a chick that's into scat?
That's just gross.

I love you like a brother kid, but going to a comedy show after dinner is not smart, specially with your history of gastrointestinal problems. DO NOT DO IT :eek:ld-025: . What will happen if you are having "issues" :mf_Flush: after dinner and the comedian says something really funny. You get the point, don't you? :blowup:
You think the comedian will call me out and make fun of me if I poop myself?

How's he going to explain not eating at dinner?

Haven't wimmen been doing this for decades? Have you never witnessed it ? Order something with a ridiculously small portion and just kind of push it around on your plate.


You think the comedian will call me out and make fun of me if I poop myself?
Nope. You got it wrong.

Here is the Sequence of Events

#1: Dinner

#2: Go to the Comedy Show

#3: Your gastrointestinal phantom comes to haunt you and you really want to go. For some wierd reason you cannot or simply do not want to go

#4: In a show of bravery, or stupidity, you try to hold it and you are doing OK but...

#5: You laugh so hard, cannot hold it anymore and...BANG...fart/poop yourself

#6: With the luck you have...the comedian calls you up before you have the chance to clean the scene. Your date looks at you with the "Do it for me eyes" and you go up to the stage with your mess running down your legs. Luckly for you you have a black pant but the smell; that you cannot hide.

#7: The comedian finally finds you did poop yourself and now everybody on the show,and your date, will know you did poop yourself and now you are :bag:

#8: No :bananadoggywow: that night. You will have to find another date

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Haven't wimmen been doing this for decades? Have you never witnessed it ? Order something with a ridiculously small portion and just kind of push it around on your plate.
No, but I married a marathon runner. If you've never seen someone eat an entire box of spaghetti and about half a chicken in one siting, it's something to see.

Come on guys, you are being pretty harsh. Give me a little credit here. I was just looking for some honest advice. I'm sure most of you have been in my spot at one time or another.

The same could be said about most things.
And no go on the zoo Fudgey. The animals will smell your fear...and your shorts.

On the contrary, he may be able to start flinging his poop at a monkey, and when the monkey reciprocates, she'll mistake his IBS for a love of animals!

Come on guys, you are being pretty harsh. Give me a little credit here. I was just looking for some honest advice. I'm sure most of you have been in my spot at one time or another.
Actually no I doubt most of us have been in any of your positions before.

I think centering your date around food is a poor choice, comedy place is fine or some other activity, but with your history, meals may be best left for date number 10.

How about going to some sort of exhibit? Like the bodies exhibit. I thought it was cool and my wife liked it. Then after that you can get a snack and then do the comedy show. If you go to the show don't sit in the front or underneath any lights. That way they won't be an obvious target to them.
