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CAPLS, thanks for trying to explain your side of things. We understand that there are numerous items that have to be completed and verified to release results and we appreciate your perseverance. I think most of us would really appreciate to know realistically when the results will come out. Is there a chance we'll see them today? Tomorrow at the latest?

Is California one of the PCS states that some others people are complaining about? Or does Cali handle it all themselves?

I just checked the PE license lookup...and they say it was updated yesterday. Any takers wanting to throw their name in there? I did, no luck...yet....

I am going for a Civil PE and only have the surveying portion remaining (thorn in my side).

Come on Cali, let me through please!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Good luck to all my fellow Cali's and hang in it beer-thiry yet? LOL

I'm not listed either. So I didn't pass or they haven't updated the system yet....I hope for the latter.

I'm not listed either - I doubt they will update the names on that list prior to releasing results if last year is any indication. Kholmes I am in your same position, had to retake the surveying portion (which for some reasion we need to take even though we cannot practice it).

The result will be posted on NCEES before PELS. Most likely, we will get an email before the results are released. That should give us enough time to replace the F5 key on the keyboard.

License Lookup is typically updated on a 24 hour basis for all 30+ boards and bureaus under the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) and just because the database was updated doesn't necessarily mean that the engineers / land surveyors portion was. That being said, the Board is continually licensing comity applications and since the FE/FS results were released, those EIT/LSIT certificates may be updated now and just not shown. Also, the Geologists and Geophysicists results are also coming in at the same time and may have also triggered a database update.

Realistically while the goal was to have them out sooner, I would expect that all the results will be mailed out (state results) or released by email (NCEES PE and SE results) by the end of the week. Staff is trying to get them out sooner and would really like to, but some of the process is dependent upon DCA IT systems which are working to accommodate staff requests.

Thanks CAPLS! Guess I'll stop bombarding the PELS system then. I'm just hopeful over here. Really really really crossing my fingers this go around ;) Would rather spend nights playing with my kids than staying late at work to study surveying...

Thank you very much for the clarification Ric. I feel the kid's frustration, but there is no need to cheese off the people who have our test results.

Thanks Ric!

To everybody else, the latest civil PE was #80363

If #80364 is not on the database, official results are not online (NCEES 8hr excluded)


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