April 2018 15K SPAM thread

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I had trouble when I was applying to the CA BPELSG for licensure, but it was easy enough to get figured out once I finally got ahold of the person who was reviewing my application.

Like last time which I was real close according to the score.

They said my application went to the board and they all voted "nay" to my first application.  And kept $300.
The people i called and talked to said yeah go ahead and apply.

I was told that I had to have engineer in title as well as experience.  

SO here i am 3 years later and on my third try.  

Hope so, if I fail this time i'll have to wait an additional year before reapplying.

PE application don't have to be so hard.

I think I sent them a total of 16 or 20 pages of SER.

please give a subject to the youtube link.

Is it worth it to watch?

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