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Ktulu and others from Alabama, According to the state website our results have been received in Montgomery and will be mailed out on Friday. Monday will probably be the big day for most of us. I'm leaving Saturday going on vacation and will not return until the following Saturday. I wonder what I'll be thinking about for 7 days. Oh well, it will be in the mail when I return. Good Luck to all!!!

Ktulu and others from Alabama, According to the state website our results have been received in Montgomery and will be mailed out on Friday. Monday will probably be the big day for most of us. I'm leaving Saturday going on vacation and will not return until the following Saturday. I wonder what I'll be thinking about for 7 days. Oh well, it will be in the mail when I return. Good Luck to all!!!

Same shit happened to me last April. I made my mother-in-law check my mail every day and call me. She kept telling me that they hadn't come. Apparently, I was being an asshole worrying about it and my wife just yells, "They came yesterday but my mom was afraid to tell you." This was as we were driving home. I called my mother-in-law immediately and made her drive over, get my stuff off the coffee table and call me back. Thank god for everyone in the car's safety, it was good news.


Depends on what you want for your vacation. If you want relaxation, think about all the alcohol that can be consumed over 7 days. If you want an ulcer, think about your results sitting in your mailbox all week.

Personally, I'll take the beer. The results will be there anyway...

Have fun,


Seems like the Alabama website has been updated? Does that include those who passed the PE this go around?

Seems like the Alabama website has been updated? Does that include those who passed the PE this go around?

AUBOB, I hope not. I don't think it does because I did a License search on several people who took the PE and FE in April and none of them were updated. If everything was updated, each person that I checked failed including myself. They received the results yesterday and probably prepared the letters today. They may possibly change the status for those who passed by the end of business tomorrow, but I have my doubts. Hopefully, the letters will be mailed tomorrow. May the waiting continue.... :appl:

AUBOB, I hope not. I don't think it does because I did a License search on several people who took the PE and FE in April and none of them were updated. If everything was updated, each person that I checked failed including myself. They received the results yesterday and probably prepared the letters today. They may possibly change the status for those who passed by the end of business tomorrow, but I have my doubts. Hopefully, the letters will be mailed tomorrow. May the waiting continue.... :appl:
Thanks jd73 - I was sweating it there for awhile. I only knew 3 people who took the test in April in AL and I didn't find there name updated either. I'm actually out of town till Saturday and I remember doing a license search before I left and it being 17,3xx something and when I checked tonight and saw 17419 - I got nervous. I feel better now - knowing you couldn't find anyone either.

I received my results here in Alabama and I passed the CE WR exam. The theory behind the "Thin" Envelope did not play out here in Alabama. The envelope was thicker than the "fail" letter I received after the October exam. There was a self-addressed envelope, info on stamps, etc. along with the "pass" letter. Each state is obviously different. Good Luck to all who have not received your results and Congrats to those who passed.


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congrats jd73 !!! :multiplespotting: :multiplespotting: :smileyballs: :bananalama:


I received my results here in Alabama and I passed the CE WR exam. The theory behind the "Thin" Envelope did not play out here in Alabama. The envelope was thicker than the "fail" letter I received after the October exam. There was a self-addressed envelope, info on stamps, etc. along with the "pass" letter. Each state is obviously different. Good Luck to all who have not received your results and Congrats to those who passed.
Congrats jd73!!! Glad you passed! I didn't get mine today, hopefully it will be in tomorrows mail. I'll be looking for that thick envelope!

Unfortunately, I did not get the results I was looking for.....


The afternoon geotech was the death of was the hardest I've seen.

Unfortunately, I did not get the results I was looking for.....:smileyballs:

The afternoon geotech was the death of was the hardest I've seen.
Hang in there ktulu. I am still waiting for my geotech results in NY. This is the fourth time I am waiting. We'll get there, we just have to stay in the game!

The afternoon geotech was the death of was the hardest I've seen.
Wow ktulu ... that is a major bummer :smileyballs:

Everyone that I know that took the geotech PM always said it was really, really tough. I avoided it for that reason even though I have a pretty strong geotech background.

Best thing is to take some time to
and then figure out your best course of action. It took me four times before I passed too - sometimes it is just a matter of finding that thing that clicks with you. :bananalama:

Sincerest regards,


Unfortunately, I did not get the results I was looking for.....:smileyballs:

The afternoon geotech was the death of was the hardest I've seen.

ktulu, I'm sorry to hear that you did not pass. Don't give up, continue to push forward. FWIW, I studied probably 300 hours the 1st attempt and did not pass. I studied 1/2 that for the 2nd attempt and was succesfull. My advice, consider taking the WR exam. Go to Auburn University before the next exam and get a Civil Engineering Reference Manual and a Civil/Environmental Dictionary. These books pulled me through on the exam. I did not have them the 1st try and I feel certain that I would've passed if I had them with me. READ, READ, READ. I read more this time and worked fewer problems. You've studied enough already that you know how to do the problems. Review the concepts and move on. The qualatative questions are low hanging fruit if you have the right references. Last but not least, REST. I stayed at the Hilton in Bham the 1st attempt and got maybe 3 hours of sleep. The 2nd attempt, I stayed at home and drove over the morning of the exam. Good Luck!!!




Wow ktulu ... that is a major bummer :(
Everyone that I know that took the geotech PM always said it was really, really tough. I avoided it for that reason even though I have a pretty strong geotech background.

Best thing is to take some time to
and then figure out your best course of action. It took me four times before I passed too - sometimes it is just a matter of finding that thing that clicks with you. :true:

Sincerest regards,

I was tempted after getting slammed 3 times by Geotech to switch to Transpo. Everyone was telling me to switch. I didn't bite.

The one and only reason I did not switch this time was because I invested too much time and energy in Geo, and I knew it would take a whole bunch of studying to learn Transpo at depth. In addition, I was sick at the thought of paying all that money for the HCM and all those other Transpo references.

If I fail again, I will still stick with geotech. However, I am hearing a lot of people say that this past Aprils geo depth was a killer, though I felt like I did well in the afternoon. I am hopeful that I pulled it off. We will see.

However, I am hearing a lot of people say that this past Aprils geo depth was a killer, though I felt like I did well in the afternoon. I am hopeful that I pulled it off. We will see.
I hope it works out for you!!

As far as my words of wisdom :true: , I would never suggest that anyone should just up and change subjects because they didn't pass. Each person must make an honest evaluation of thier strengths and weaknesses and decide how best to proceed.

For me, I have BS Env Eng completing MS in Civil Eng (Geotech). I work primarily in environmental remediation. For the longest time (well at least three exam administrations) I took civil PE with environmental depth - makes sense right? WRONG!! I finally switched to WR the last time because I realized one of the common denominators in low scores was the wastewater treatment topic that typically accounted between 7-9 questions for the afternoon. I also noted that I always scored well with the WR topics (75%+), so it seemed to make a lot of sense for me to switch to WR (based on commonality of subject matter plus positive expecation) and .. it worked!! :)

I guess what my longwinded explanation is getting at - just because you THINK you are solid in one area or work within an area, don't let that factor alone dictate how you will proceed to take the exam. You must take everything into consideration, especially the breakdown of your diagnostic, and let that guide you towards your optimal (positive expectation) results.



ktulu, I'm sorry to hear that you did not pass. Don't give up, continue to push forward. FWIW, I studied probably 300 hours the 1st attempt and did not pass. I studied 1/2 that for the 2nd attempt and was succesfull. My advice, consider taking the WR exam. Go to Auburn University before the next exam and get a Civil Engineering Reference Manual and a Civil/Environmental Dictionary. These books pulled me through on the exam. I did not have them the 1st try and I feel certain that I would've passed if I had them with me. READ, READ, READ. I read more this time and worked fewer problems. You've studied enough already that you know how to do the problems. Review the concepts and move on. The qualatative questions are low hanging fruit if you have the right references. Last but not least, REST. I stayed at the Hilton in Bham the 1st attempt and got maybe 3 hours of sleep. The 2nd attempt, I stayed at home and drove over the morning of the exam. Good Luck!!!
ktulu, In my "advice" spill listed above I said get a copy of the CE Reference Manual from the library. I meant to say a CE Handbook. You've obviously already got the CERM. The CE Handbook and the CE/Env Dictionary contained info that you will not find in the CERM. In my opinion, a must for some of the qualatative questions.


I had both the CE Handbook and a CE/Env Dictionary. And I made made the highest % of correct answers when those were needed. It was the Foundations PM section that did me in.

But I will take you advice and do alot of reading of the material, especially that material that I cannot seem to graspe.
