A good start to the day

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The Beer Baron
Dec 22, 2006
Reaction score
So I start doing some calculations this morning and when entering in some numbers into my HP 33s my "2" button suddenly feels wierd. It actually has broken away from its support and now acts like a teeter-totter. (I can now tip the key from side to side in it's encloser.)

Is this a good start to the day or I am a Gigantic DoucheBag

So, I promptly order a HP 35s from Amazon. Does anyone have this calculator? How do you like it?

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I have a 35s. It's the first calculator I like at least as well as my old 41CV. Longevity is still a question. That old 41 is 21 years old and still going like new. Time will tell I guess.

33s are def. suspect in longevity - 35 looks to me to be the whipdizzle of HP (NCEES legal) calculators - its what i would get were i to pony up for an HP. HPs are overrated / hyped IMO, but the 35 does look like the 'total package' for approved calcs

I guess I must agree with the longevity issue for both the 33s and 35s. My 33s lasted about 2 years before this happened, and no one really knows how long the typical 35s will last since it is so new.

Crap, I still have my TI-85 from high school and it works just fine. It's too bad I've been infected with the RPN bug.

There's one HUGE problem with the 35S. I'm a "ALL" display guy. 1/2 = 0.5 and 1/3 = 0.3333333333 (or however many threes should be displayed). But for some asinine reason, HP decided that 1/3 should be displayed as "3.3333333333333E-" and... wait for it... hit the right arrow to get the exponent "1". This happens with all results (you have to scroll to get the exponent!). How nuts is that?

Now, maybe I should just take a deep breath, but something like this is so stupid I can't help but get mad every time I think about it! Uggh! What a waste!

It's too bad I've been infected with the RPN bug.
That's my problem too. I can't work an algebraic calculator worth a damn anymore. If my 35s goes TU I'll just pull the 41 out of the desk drawer and run to failure.

I will admit that the ALL display deal sounds kind of silly on HP's part. I'm always in either fixed or scientific mode so I never noticed the problem.

It makes almost as much sense as RPN. I guess HP figured "Hey, we passed off this asinine entry structure on them, how 'bout we up the ante with a crazy-ass way to view exponents?"
Come now, don't be silly. There is little room for argument against the truth that RPN is more efficient than algebraic entry. But there's already a thread on that topic!

It's too bad I've been infected with the RPN bug.
Same here ...

I have been alternating between HP-15C and HP-48GX for my calculator of choice. Then again, often-times I find myself just using a spreadsheet or MathCAD for my calculating needs.


^ There you go. I'm a fan of excel for comps / calcs, or mathcad for the higher end math. Other than studying for these cursed tests, or field work, who really uses a calc much? :poop:

edit - oh & 2nd what wilheld said, i find rpn amusing, like a model T in a way. . ..

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Excel really sucks for manipulating complex numbers. And I don't have MathCad. So I use my handheld calculator all the time at work.

Excel really sucks for manipulating complex numbers. And I don't have MathCad. So I use my handheld calculator all the time at work.
yeah and certainly for binary or other bases - mathCad has all that, though I haven't much worked w/ those features, functions & operators specifically. Don't get me wrong, calculators can be quick & handy for small amounts of data or calcs - I'm a software junkie, if there ain't a program to do what i want, i write my own in VB (using Excel as base), MatLab or even MathCad (gotta put this recent degree to some use)

We use MathCAD at my work.

With MathCAD, there really is no need for a super powerful calculator. It can do it all.

Yesterday after work I came home to find that my calculator had came.

The 35s is WAY better than the 33s. It's a really nice calculator. Even the case rocks!! :th_rockon:

^^^ Stop teasing me!!! :p

Stop trying to tempt me to buy another RPN ... I will NOT give in to the temptation!! :brickwall:


^^ Well the calculator DID come with a DVD video of the history of HP calculators.

Is that temptation enough for you? :)

Other than the ALL display design flaw, I do have another MAJOR complaint. The numb-nuts at HP decided to make the body of the calculator ALMOST straight... but not quite. When I use it for a straight-edge I get slight errors. It really messes up with nomographs!

^^They were probably thinking the slight curve had some aesthetic value.

I will go ahead and provide the theoretical HP response: "It's a calculator, not a multi-tool." :p
