3 phase fault current Q

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Dec 11, 2012
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a 3 phase fault occurs at the output of a delta-wye 115:13.8kW, 30/40/50MVA transformer with z=0.01 + j0.08 pu on a 50MVA base. The feeder has r=0.1pu and x=0.1 pu with a 240A rating.

Determine the fault current.

I get about 9200A with MVA method, and about 9600 if I solve in pu. Am I close? I have assumed that the feeder is on the primary side of the transformer.

the answer is 9617A.

how do you do it? The solution on the book is confusing. both method

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With pu:

1. Covert the line impedance to the same base as the transformer. I used 115kV and 50MVA as base. So Zline=0.148<45

2. Calculate the total impedance 0.217<58.16

3. Calculate the short circuit current 1/total impedance = 4.6<-58.16

4. Calculate the base current = 251A

5. Calculate primary sc current = 1154.82A

6. The above current is on the primary side, so convert to secondary = 9623A

With MVA:

1. Covert the feeder impedance to ohms. R=27.66 ohms and X=27.66 ohms, So Z = 39.12 ohms

2. Calculate Z for transformer (in pu) = 0.08 pu

3. Use MVA to solve: line contribution is 115^2/39.12 = 338MVA and transformer 50/0.08=625MVA. So total is 219.37MVA

4. Calculate the current at 13.8kV = 9382A

I have made some approximations in the calculations, so that could explain the difference in the two results. It's also possible that I've made some error (you can double check me). I doubt on the exam they will have answer choices so close that you get a different choice depending on the method you used. Most likely the other choices will be obtained by making common errors, and they will be way off.
