EB Mafia

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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We're trying to screen in the upper deck on the front. The previous owner stapled screening to it in a half hearted attempt but it looks pretty terrible and doesn't do much to keep bugs out. Outdoor space is really under rated when looking for a new home.

kind of. 

i live alone and don't even have family nearby to merge quarantining with. work hasn't slowed down but i've been getting 40 phone calls a day to "coordinate" when an email could suffice for >75% of them. one of my superiors has chosen me as a target again, which i thought i was free of. i'm just lonely and wasn't doing super great before I wasn't allowed to hang with my people. It's been hard. and also accepting and admitting that it's been hard has been REALLY hard. just bleh. but i stood out in the sun today and chatted across the property to my neighbors while having a white claw. 

and i dyed my hair pink.  :winko:

I've participated in a few different meetings with EB folks. I can't host a zoom meeting, but could probably setup a skype or teams meeting.


i'm tryna figure out how to do a hangouts call with link joining


join whenever if you want to, and i or someone else who is more prompt can "call" the group around 530pst. no video required! (not sure if there's a max persons to join)

@ChebyshevII PE @MEtoEE @RBHeadge PE @MadamPirate PE @txjennah PE @SaltySteve @chart94 @blybrook PE @vhab49_PE @jean15paul_PE @squaretaper LIT AF PE @Roarbark @JayKay PE @Audi driver, P.E. @LyceeFruit PE @leggo PE @ChaosMuppetPE @vee043324

tag others i just copied from the last maf intro and added leggo and chaos and vee


join whenever if you want to, and i or someone else who is more prompt can "call" the group around 530pst. no video required! (not sure if there's a max persons to join)

@ChebyshevII PE @MEtoEE @RBHeadge PE @MadamPirate PE @txjennah PE @SaltySteve @chart94 @blybrook PE @vhab49_PE @jean15paul_PE @squaretaper LIT AF PE @Roarbark @JayKay PE @Audi driver, P.E. @LyceeFruit PE @leggo PE @ChaosMuppetPE @vee043324

tag others i just copied from the last maf intro and added leggo and chaos and vee
Joined, cuz I'm awesome

(and promptly punched myself in the glasses proclaiming that. *sigh*)
