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I'm not in a bad mood toward my kids, but rather the whole situation where I can't really spend time with family & enjoy it on weekends.  It seems like it's always hurry hurry hurry so I can squeeze some time out for my study.  When you think about it, family is much more important than the PE, which to me is an icing on the cake but never as important as family.  I already have a great job and this PE is a personal goal & maybe a little more pay.  I felt really down yesterday, but today I'm feeling much better.  It's time to get up, brush off the dust and try again. 
It's a huge sacrifice. I couldn't do it when she was younger. Single parenthood is hard enough with a small child and a full time career, toss in the studying required to pass and it's a no go. so I waited. Now I'm 51... and one step away from the golden ticket. I have Seismic & Surveying, just need the 8 hour.  It's easier now as she has her own homework demands; we have designated "study times" at night where both of us are either studying or being quiet for the other person. 

One difference for me is it a huge raise and enables me to promote. 

you are right davad. That is crazy my friend. 

We are waiting on edge and you do this to us. God bless your soul.. 

it is photo shopped. Look how blurry everything else is but the date. also he is a PE already. so why would he even get this email.
My bad, my bad. I couldn't help myself. I am an out of state PE, but I need to get my CA PE, so I took the seismic and survey last term. Passed the survey, failed seismic. Took seismic again this term. 

My bad, my bad. I couldn't help myself. I am an out of state PE, but I need to get my CA PE, so I took the seismic and survey last term. Passed the survey, failed seismic. Took seismic again this term. 

Anyone know if they send all the emails out at once?
2 separate emails - one with just a password (basically your NCEES ID number) and the second with a password-protected PDF attached.  You have to download the PDF and plug in your password.

Anyone know if they send all the emails out at once?
In December 2015, I got my password at 4:52pm and my results at 8:20pm (MST) I know this thread was reporting results from others up to 90 minutes before I had mine so no, they seem to be sent in batches. 

Good luck everyone!

Anyone know if they send all the emails out at once?
Oh - did you mean do all results get released on the same day or over the course of multiple days?  It's always been the same day historically, but they do state "Thursday and Friday" on their website so I wouldn't rule that out necessarily.

Oh - did you mean do all results get released on the same day or over the course of multiple days?  It's always been the same day historically, but they do state "Thursday and Friday" on their website so I wouldn't rule that out necessarily.
I meant if they group them in batches or everyone receives the emails at once.
