Map: October 2012 Exam Results

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Come on Pennsylvania, please have something today!
Hopefully, not holding my breath though, maybe by next Friday....
Are you serious? Why would it take so long? I don't get it. Why should it take any longer than 1 day for the state board to give NCEES permission to release the results?

Because they can...
That's just mean. Maybe they enjoy watching us all suffer in anxiety, lol.


Florida what about you? I cannot do anything else, just watching this map!

You would think VA would release the results so they would stop receiving phone calls. Not that they are helpful or understand why we want the results so bad. The lady on the phone asked me what the difference would be if I found out today or after the first of the year. I told her I wanted to know before the world ended. She did not find it funny and hung up on me

Was such a flood of activity yesterday and now there seems to be not much in the way of results coming out.

You would think VA would release the results so they would stop receiving phone calls. Not that they are helpful or understand why we want the results so bad. The lady on the phone asked me what the difference would be if I found out today or after the first of the year. I told her I wanted to know before the world ended. She did not find it funny and hung up on me
Yes, definitely a well-oiled, inefficient government office.

You would think VA would release the results so they would stop receiving phone calls. Not that they are helpful or understand why we want the results so bad. The lady on the phone asked me what the difference would be if I found out today or after the first of the year. I told her I wanted to know before the world ended. She did not find it funny and hung up on me
I know it's frustrating, but do you really think they're just sitting around not releasing the results for no reason whatsoever? They probably have rules, protocols and procedures that they have to follow. Are those things inefficient? Yes. Stupid? In this day and age, yes. Will fussing at the nice ladies that answer the phone help? No. Will fussing at ncees help? No.

Contact the members of your licensing board to push for change if you're serious about it.

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I agree, I probably wouldn't have called but it's nice to vent on an open forum. Takes my mind of not knowing the results. :)

I was not fussing with the lady at all. I just asked her if she knew a release date for the results and she got snotty with me. I am always polite to people esp when I understand their frustrations. It would just be nice for them to understand ours. There is no need for them to not be understanding of our anticipation.

It's all good, they have to know this is a pretty important exam for us and I'm sure they're trying to get it out. Just wish they had a more stream-lined process or would share their process like NCEES does on why it takes the amount of time that it does.

If they never took the test they wouldn't understand the amount of time and energy you put into that one 8 hour portion of your life. Of course you are anxious to know, granted without the internet you would have no idea there is some amount of delay, and to them 6-8 weeks is 6-8 weeks.

I question whether someone working in the VA DPOR even knows that other states have released their scores yet, and even if they did how much that would matter to them.

Was such a flood of activity yesterday and now there seems to be not much in the way of results coming out.
I'm also impatiently waiting in VA. I guess we shouldn't be surprised since it is a Friday and these are gov't offices we're talking about.
Any group that comes up with the acronym APELSCIDLA to refer to themselves certainly isn't concerned about efficiency.
