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Just refuse to stamp, and start documenting email and get a voice recorder, if they fire you for failure to stamp something you sue them. Strong arming someone into stamping something is highly illegal you just have to make sure you rigoursly document all the cases where they asked you to stamp something and the negitive results when you refuse. You may want to talk to a lawyer before hand to see what you need to collect because they may do something sneaky like ask you to stamp and then try to find something unrelated to fire you for to avoid the law suite but good lawyers have seen this type of dodging before same thing for firing someone for being in the national guard they will try to find some non protected reason to get rid of you. In the mean time look for a new job and if you can find a new job for more money before issues start to arise from non stamping then you dont have to worry about it but no one should be strong armed into stamping something, its highly illegal and unethical.
Don't take advice from this guy

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Just refuse to stamp, and start documenting email and get a voice recorder, if they fire you for failure to stamp something you sue them. Strong arming someone into stamping something is highly illegal you just have to make sure you rigoursly document all the cases where they asked you to stamp something and the negitive results when you refuse. You may want to talk to a lawyer before hand to see what you need to collect because they may do something sneaky like ask you to stamp and then try to find something unrelated to fire you for to avoid the law suite but good lawyers have seen this type of dodging before same thing for firing someone for being in the national guard they will try to find some non protected reason to get rid of you. In the mean time look for a new job and if you can find a new job for more money before issues start to arise from non stamping then you dont have to worry about it but no one should be strong armed into stamping something, its highly illegal and unethical.
Don't take advice from this guy
So your saying its legal and ethical to strong arm people into stamping? Its you they should not be taking advice from if you are suggesting people do illegal or unethical things.

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Let me just say that no one is strong arming me into stamping anything. There has just always been a verbal agreement that in exchange for stamping drawings, that I either design or oversee the design of (since I got tasked with more responsibilities as well) there would be extra compensation. It appears that they are reneging on me. I guess it works out better for them if I have all of the responsibility without any of the compensation.

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get a voice recorder, if they fire you for failure to stamp something you sue them......

no one should be strong armed into stamping something, its highly illegal and unethical.

Hi Pot! My name's Kettle! Nice to meet you!
I still dont get that analogy, calling the kettle black or something, I am guessing its suppose to be inflamitory but I just dont understand it ..... sorry.

get a voice recorder, if they fire you for failure to stamp something you sue them......

no one should be strong armed into stamping something, its highly illegal and unethical.

Hi Pot! My name's Kettle! Nice to meet you!
I still dont get that analogy, calling the kettle black or something, I am guessing its suppose to be inflamitory but I just dont understand it ..... sorry.
Just continues to prove that either you're 12 or you're an idiot. never mind, even a 12 year old can figure that one out. You're the latter.

He is not a troll. He just likes to have fun posting...whatever is called what he posts.

Besides that, I am not sure he will understand what a troll is.

get a voice recorder, if they fire you for failure to stamp something you sue them......

no one should be strong armed into stamping something, its highly illegal and unethical.

Hi Pot! My name's Kettle! Nice to meet you!
I still dont get that analogy, calling the kettle black or something, I am guessing its suppose to be inflamitory but I just dont understand it ..... sorry.

I pity da foo.

I was threatned to be disbarred for not stamping stuff.........
Disbarred isent that for lawyers? Im not following you. If they threatened to fire you for not stamping something and you have voice recording or email or someother such thing you can sue there a** and the person who made the threat may even face criminal penalties/jail time, the PE exists to protect public safety and if someone is trying to extort someone into stamping something thats bad mojo.

I know a guy who was disbarred for not stamping stuff. He was pretty much unable to find any position after that.

I was really worried RG was gonna find himself in the wrong boat.

I am only posting this for people that might stumble upon this thread. I know most of you are licensed so you understand these laws perfectly well:

All the drawings and calculations you do (at least in every state I am familiar with) need to have at the minimum a stamp on them. States differ somewhat, but say you make a preliminary drawing for review, strictly following the rules means you add your stamp, but it would not need to be signed and dated. And really this is a good thing for us licensed engineers, the more a stamp becomes the standard for every design and drawing the better it is to have a license. It effectively raises the bar on engineering work and mostly I agree with it.

However, all record drawings would need a stamp and signature/date.

BUT, if you did not do the design work on a drawing you do not need to stamp it, in fact most states have laws that specifically forbid you to stamp any work that isn't your own. So if you refuse to stamp something you did not do, I can't see the State Board trying to take away your license.
