Major Parenting Failure

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This is just crazy. How old is the dad? I'll tell you one thing, if someone got my 11 year old daughter pregnant, I'd probably be in jail the rest of my life.

Wow..just wow.

But they are emulating Britney, Miley and Lindsay, so what can you expect? My wife taught elementary school and you wouldn't believe all the little prostitots. I don't see how they leave the house wearing that stuff.

whats really wierd is that by the time she's old enough to drink, she's going to have a kid in 5th grade!

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Wow..just wow.
But they are emulating Britney, Miley and Lindsay, so what can you expect? My wife taught elementary school and you wouldn't believe all the little prostitots. I don't see how they leave the house wearing that stuff.
That's just one of reasons why it'll be a pretty cold day in a really hot place before my kid sets foot in a public school.

I know a woman who got pregnant when she was 13. It was pretty weird partying with her when we were in our mid 30s and her daughter was legally partying with us.

She said the father was 16 at the time, she made him pay child support and she raised a really nice young lady. She wasn't proud of getting pregnant that early and she was very much against anyone following in her footsteps, but she assumed the responsibilty and (with some help of course but she carried most of the struggle on her own) survived pretty well.

she said it was because no one watched her very closely when she was young. Stuff happens (just not to my kid I hope)

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Just last night I told my four-year-old son, "Don't have sex until your married, okay?" He nodded his head. We were in the midst of watching Teen Mom on MTV when I thought of it. I didn't think the advice would apply to elementary school...

Just last night I told my four-year-old son, "Don't have sex until your married, okay?" He nodded his head. We were in the midst of watching Teen Mom on MTV when I thought of it. I didn't think the advice would apply to elementary school...

I'm not one to cast judgement but why are you watching Teen Mom on MTV with your four year old?

One of the hardest things for parents to do is to have a good discussion about sex with children. I did it, but I didn't enjoy it. They didn't either. But it is necessary and I hope that all of the parents reading this will do what is right.

Wow..just wow.
But they are emulating Britney, Miley and Lindsay, so what can you expect? My wife taught elementary school and you wouldn't believe all the little prostitots. I don't see how they leave the house wearing that stuff.
That's just one of reasons why it'll be a pretty cold day in a really hot place before my kid sets foot in a public school.
the parents make the kid, not the school

Stories like this make me sick.....

....because I have a 13 year old daughter (7th grade), and she just informed me this morning that she wants to go to her school's Valentine Dinner with a 15 year old boy (8th grade - seems too old to me???).

I told my wife, in private, no f'in way. But I will let her deal with it. We have had almost every-other day sex and drug talks with her, so she ought to know how we feel about it. Plus, it's a religious school and a very small class, and the whole event is chaperoned, but still..... I was a 15 year old boy once, and I can think of only one reason a 15 year old boy would want to go out with a 13 year old girl.

Oh God, I think I'm going to puke.....

One of the hardest things for parents to do is to have a good discussion about sex with children. I did it, but I didn't enjoy it. They didn't either. But it is necessary and I hope that all of the parents reading this will do what is right.
So at what age do you have the sex talk? Is it an ongoing thing since they're little, or a big talk one day? I was thinking 11-12 was the age but now I'm thinking maybe sooner!
