Pass Rates for the biggest and most mysterious exam - the SE III

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Ok, just got my SEII email from NCEES, now have to wait for WA to process SEIII stuff...this next month is going to kill me!!! I can't believe they only offer this once a year!!!
Retrofit, I presume congrats is in order?! No doubt, if you only passed the SE II, you should STILL celebrate. These structural exams are no small hill to climb! Go celebrate regardless of your SE III results! Good job!

This ones for you McEngr:

BTW! Thanks for the "doh", Kevo. I'm always an LOL observer, so appreciate the heckling...

Ok, just got my SEII email from NCEES, now have to wait for WA to process SEIII stuff...this next month is going to kill me!!! I can't believe they only offer this once a year!!!
Retrofit, I presume congrats is in order?! No doubt, if you only passed the SE II, you should STILL celebrate. These structural exams are no small hill to climb! Go celebrate regardless of your SE III results! Good job!

Thanks a lot! I appreciate it!

I sent an e-mail to WA board today. They simply replied that the results should be sent out by mid-to-late February. I guess that it will be after the next board meeting on Feb 16th and 17th.

Good luck to those still waiting!

I sent an e-mail to WA board today. They simply replied that the results should be sent out by mid-to-late February. I guess that it will be after the next board meeting on Feb 16th and 17th.
Good luck to those still waiting!
I called them and almost got the same response. It is going to be 4 months, maybe more. If they wait few more months, then they should release the results with 2010 ones! It is really frustrating...

I sent an e-mail to WA board today. They simply replied that the results should be sent out by mid-to-late February. I guess that it will be after the next board meeting on Feb 16th and 17th.
Good luck to those still waiting!
PIYA - thanks for looking into the anticipated results date...I was hoping it would be earlier than in years past, but alas they won't. We've waited this long, what's another couple weeks, right?!? Besides, I don't have any fingernails left!

Good luck everyone!


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