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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
How many watch lists do you think you get put on? And the 'No-Fly' list?

How many watch lists do you think you get put on? And the 'No-Fly' list?

I'm already on the no fly list because I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old. I think this is more like an insurance policy. All my ramblings on could come to light one day and the man could try to convict me of trying to overthrow the government. So why not pay the $5. No harm, no foul. I'm just an ordinary citizen trying to overthrow the government.

Actually I find this somewhat ironic, earlier this week the City of Charleston announced that they are building a monument to memorialize Denmark Vesey. In case you don't know who Denmark Vesey was, he was a former slave turned terrorist that was attempting to overthrow the government in Charleston in 1822. He wanted to kill all of the white folk in Charleston.

So on one hand, our government erects monuments to those trying to overthrow the government, on the other hand, we fine them $25,000. What gives.


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^So are they going to erect a statue in honor of anybody willing to pay the $5.00?

How many watch lists do you think you get put on? And the 'No-Fly' list?

I'm already on the no fly list because I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old. I think this is more like an insurance policy. All my ramblings on could come to light one day and the man could try to convict me of trying to overthrow the government. So why not pay the $5. No harm, no foul. I'm just an ordinary citizen trying to overthrow the government.

Actually I find this somewhat ironic, earlier this week the City of Charleston announced that they are building a monument to memorialize Denmark Vesey. In case you don't know who Denmark Vesey was, he was a former slave turned terrorist that was attempting to overthrow the government in Charleston in 1822. He wanted to kill all of the white folk in Charleston.

So on one hand, our government erects monuments to those trying to overthrow the government, on the other hand, we fine them $25,000. What gives.

If you are worthy of the fine, you deserve the statue. The fine pays for the statue. It's a win-win.

How many watch lists do you think you get put on? And the 'No-Fly' list?
I think I might be on one. It dates back to an incident in the eighties involving me, the FBI, controlled substances, and a ballistic missile submarine.

So probably nothing to lose for me.

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