WOW! That BOD stuff is real.

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NJmike PE

Game Czar
May 17, 2013
Reaction score

Possibly tens of thousands of fish have died, likely as a result of heavy rains in Belmar, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection said.

Recent heavy rains are believed to have caused the water to churn, stirring up the sediment at the bottom of the river, the DEP told CBS 2. This caused algae to bloom after recent warm weather. The algae starved the water of oxygen, resulting in the death of the fish, the DEP believes.
Thank God the PE is minimum competency. I just never got those WQ problems

No shit. Do you think we made it up?

Go hug a tree now :)
They'll somehow find a way to blame this on aliens or determine it was a conspiracy and shortly return to thinking we make it all up...

EDIT: thanks for the setup there EG

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Actually, it is a government conspiracy to charge permit fees.
