When Does a six goal margin of victory equal a loss?

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No wonder America is become land of the peeved and home of the lame. Our coaches used to encourage us to beat the crapola out of the other guys.

If I were those kids, I'd make it my mission to lose every single game.

At a local HIGH SCHOOL, the teachers were told they couldn't use red pens or red pencils to grade papers because it might cause bad feelings.

Poor widdle chirren migh get their widdle feelings hurt.

So we should beat our opponents, but not so badly that we hurt their delicate feelings.

In yet another nod to the protection of fledgling self-esteem, an Ottawa children’s soccer league has introduced a rule that says any team that wins a game by more than five points will lose by default.

I think it would be more humiliating to have a team playing to the rule.

* Being down by five and having an opposing player stop a breakaway by just picking up the ball and handing it over to the goalie.

* Having a team score a dozen goals on you and then score seven on themselves so they don't lose.

* Having a team totally dominating you but every once in awhile their goalie just turns and throws the ball into his own net so they're never up by more than four goals. "So you guys lost fourteen to nine. Who scored your goals? What do you mean 'nobody'?

I've been on a lot of teams that sucked but we never had any Nancy rules that led to real embarrassment like that.

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@ Capt Worley - The article is from Canuckistan - not that it changes anything

(sorry for the lame @ - the quote isn't working right in my browser for some reason right now...)


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In the annals of history, all cultures commit suicide eventually.

Thankfully my generation barely missed this kinder, gentler way and we were raised on Rambo and playing sports to smash the competition.

However, scoring goals on one's own team to win is pretty rad.

The only mercy rule that I have ever played to was in softball. If at the end of any inning, one team was by up by 10 or more runs, the game ends and the high score wins. We also had homerun rules to keep people from just stacking their teams with big bats. You're first HR counted as a regular HR, but each other one on the team counted as an out. I've never heard about a team losing a game because they score too many points, goals, runs, etc.

I don't know. I've always liked the golf mercy rule - what is it, beyond 12 strokes on a hole I think, you get to just pick up your ball and move to the next?

I played with a guy one time that we capped at double par on each hole. He finished with a 144...double par for the golf course. That was painful.

On Golden Tee, the stroke limit is 10 per hole.

What is to stop a team losing to a superior team from taking enough own goals to force the other team to have to forfeit?

What is to stop a team losing to a superior team from taking enough own goals to force the other team to have to forfeit?
yeah. you could take that all the way to the championship. :rolleyes:

If it caught on enough, the object of the game could change to preventing the opposing team from scoring in their own net enough to exceed the 6 goal differential.

The mindset of the Canadian rule is foolish. It's a pretty tough call what's more humiliating:

1) getting romped

2) watching the other team run ciorcles around you without trying to score to kill the clock

3) walking away with a "win" because you got romped.

Further proof, Idiocracy is the new Nostradamus predicting our future.
