Vegan Tesla

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Taking suggestions
Nov 3, 2006
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unpadded cell
Really?  a Vegan car...I think there are bigger problems out there than worrying about leather seats in a car.

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Have you?
Sure have.  Those things are wicked looking!  I would certainly take one.  I see them every now and again in my particular area.


1. Vegan Tesla sounds like a euphanism for girl parts. 

2. I have a friend who was legitimately looking for a vegan car. BMW and Toyota also make them. She wanted an electric car, but didn't like the range. She also didn't like the idea that a real way to save the earth was to STOP DRIVING HER FUCKING CAR EVERYWHERE, but that idea was shot down quickly. 

I'm not sure where they work but we've got around 10 of those things in the parking deck at our office, I've only keyed 3 of them, but I am working on getting all of them!

She's in LA, home of "talk passionately about things, but don't actually DO anything about them." 

Since she's been vegan, she's been sick and injured. 
