U.K. Spy Agency Stored Millions of Webcam Images Read more: Edward Snowden NSA Leaks: GCHQ Spied on Yahoo Webcam Chats | TIME.com http://world.time.c

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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A British spy agency collected millions of still images while eavesdropping on Yahoo webcam chats by citizens of the U.K., the U.S. and other countries, according to a new report Thursday.

Citing documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, the Guardian reports that the British program known as “Optic Nerve” was designed to test and improve the agency’s facial recognition software capabilities. According to the documents, the British spy agency GCHQ snooped on “unselected” Yahoo users—that is, people who were spied on at random regardless of whether or not they were suspected of any wrongdoing—during webcam chats and took millions of still shots at five-minute intervals. The GCHQ does not have the technical capability to ensure that no images of British or American citizens were included in the bulk collection, the Guardian reports, and proper legal authorization is required for GCHQ to conduct data searches on people likely to be in the U.K. at the time.
Read more: Edward Snowden NSA Leaks: GCHQ Spied on Yahoo Webcam Chats | TIME.com http://world.time.com/2014/02/27/nsa-leaks-edward-snowden-gchq-yahoo-webcam-spying/#ixzz2ucxCVW7N

Worley computer specs: Webcam delete

^I wonder how many pictures of boobs and wangs they ended up with? I'd guess about half of Yahoo webcam chats are used for that purpose.

I wonder if back in the good ole days of the Cold War people like snow den were tracked down Jason Bourne style?

I wonder if back in the good ole days of the Cold War people like snow den were tracked down Jason Bourne style?

One of the things most distressing to the governments of the world, is the openness and flow of info the internet provides.

I'm actually surprised there wasn't a Snowden fifteen years ago, but maybe such things were easier to suppress back then.

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^I wonder how many pictures of boobs and wangs they ended up with? I'd guess about half of Yahoo webcam chats are used for that purpose.

Only half? I'm thinking more 9/10.
