TV Season

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
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With no sign of college sports in sight, I for one am glad that the new TV seasons are now up and running.

I've caught the first few episodes of "Justified". I like it a lot thus far, even though there hasn't been enough time to really develop a specific story line.

Rescue Me - I missed the season premiere since I had no idea it was on. I have every intention of watching it On Demand when I get home today, assuming it's on there.

The Tudors - Glad to have something worth watching back on Showtime. Really enjoyed the end of last season, but the girl who they picked as Henry's latest wife has the physical appeal of a hammerhead shark. They definitely could have found someone a little higher up on the eye-candy chart, but she definitely has the adolescent behavior pegged. Curious to see how her story plays out with Mary, and whether her past as a prostitute will surface.

What does everyone else have on their TV radar?

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The wife and I follow Lost and 24 and that's about it right now. We watched the 1st season of Fringe, but we have missed the second season because I didn't get the DVR until the season was half over. We'll have to rent it when it comes out so we can catch up before season 3 (if there is one).

So far, we just follow The Biggest Loser. However, with The Deadliest Catch starting tomorrow, I'll be watching that first and TBL during the commercials.

Crap. Rescue Me is back on?? When did that happen?

April 7th, according to Google. I usually catch everything on FX using on-demand, so I never saw any commercials for it and missed it.

I'm also a big fan of "Archer" on FX. That show has me perpetually laughing.

What's new with the Deadliest Catch, anything good? I lost interest a season or two ago with all the repetition. There's only so many times I can watch big waves, deck hands squabbling/fighting, and the occasional injury before it loses its muster.

I never got into 24, but my sister keeps pestering me to rent all the previous seasons of Lost. I only saw a couple episodes in the middle of a season, so I had no clue what was going on. I don't think the show has any appeal UNLESS you've followed it from its onset.

Crap. Rescue Me is back on?? When did that happen?
Agreed... Crap. I missed it, too. At least they do run reruns on this, online may be a must to make sure I know what's going on with the next episodes. I thought I had a season pass on Tivo, but need to check it out.

Other shows I follow:

V (My only question is, if V's are so advanced, why can't they ID and squash a rebellion easier?)

Fringe (acting is pretty bad, plots are OUT THERE)

FlashForward (acting is pretty bad)

Lost (I get LOST with the 2 alternate times playing back and forth - what's the point?)

We've been recording the Life show on Discovery and watching it with the kids. Really cool images.

What's new with the Deadliest Catch, anything good?
Google "Captain Phil". Spoilers abound.
I had heard of that particular event, just didn't know how much they wrapped it into the season.
I read recently that cameras were rolling the entire time, so the material is there if they so choose.

And by 'event', I assume you mean where they walked in on him in the officer's loo? I hope they don't show much.

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Stargate: Universe is on the DVR. Not sure I am 100% fan yet, its more melodramatic than scif, but they are trying to lure in a younger audience to keep the ratings up and the series (stargate in general) alive for years to come.

LOST, wifey and I are hardcore into this. I like to watch the"pop-up video" before the new episode to clear up anything that I didn't catch or remember.

Deadliest Catch, gonna watch that one tomorrow night in the hotel. Gonna be sad with what happens and all. The ads are horrible, it was all in the news, and now........ Well, they replayed some episodes that were Cap'n Phil centric last week, so I think they are forewarning people who haven't seen the news releases, tv stories, etc .

Flashforward: pretty good as long as they dont string us along without any answers.

V: getting old, no break in the drama.

Stargate Universe: My favorite for the season. So far no complaints

I gave up on Heroes after 3 episodes. the characters just got to be too stupid.

We watched the first season of Lost, and after being jerked around for a season with no resolution, we quit watching it.

I have a feeling FastForward will be a lot like Lost, so we quit after the first episode. We've gotten to the point that we watch the episodic shows when they come out on DVD, that way we don't miss anything.

Stargate: Universe is on the DVR. Not sure I am 100% fan yet, its more melodramatic than scif, but they are trying to lure in a younger audience to keep the ratings up and the series (stargate in general) alive for years to come.
I love most of the 'Gate franchise, but can't tell if I like this one or not. There's a lot of angsty drama, and I wouldn't really care of most of the characters got sucked out an airlock. It's kinda Deep Space 90210. But I like the premise, and the ship and visuals are awesome. I'll give it a season to work out the kinks and see where they go from there. I wish they'd ditch the Ancient stones too, they are a cop out, and the related storylines are weird too. Sleeping with your own wife in someone else's body.

we've been watchin stargate universe but I don't think we are as engrossed as the original

will definitely tune into deadliest catch, watched the season 5 marathon over the weekend.

Wednesday nights are Ghost hunters nights for me...hubby plays call of duty

thursdays are supposed to be ebones nights, but for some reason I keep missing it.

Shows I follow:



Family Guy (I have the late night re-runs set to record on the DVR, so I get 2 per day)

Almost anything on DIY. I don't follow any one particular show more than the other, but switch to it when "nothing's on."

My wife follows a few more:



Cougar Town (absolutely retarded show)


watching 24 lately, but season about to wrap up. I am / was a fan of Friday Night Lights, but don't know if that's airing anywhere but Direct TV (easy way to kill off a series if you ask me). not a whole lot else - love the Hell's Kitchen seasons. otherwise wife & I are catching up on Sopranos thru netflix. up to start of season 3. the series has been alright, kinda overrated really. Weather's getting to be too nice to care overly much about tv anyways

will definitely tune into deadliest catch, watched the season 5 marathon over the weekend.
Why couldn't they have had that marathon on during a nasty, rainy weekend. It was beautiful here and all the playing outside kept me from watching much of it!

Family Guy, Simpsons, American Dad, Cleveland Show, South Park...

and thennnnn...

Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs, Deadliest Catch, How It's Made, Factory Made, and parts of Life.

If I'm not learning something, I'm rotting my brain.
