Trick or Treaters

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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Was it just me, or did everyone see a dramatic decrease in trick or treating this year?

At least most of the kids had costumes this year...

For some reason we hardly ever get any trick or treaters at our house even though our neighborhood as a whole is normally very busy. We saw a lot of kids while we were out with mini-ble1 and 2, but most of them are from the neighborhood.

We had about the same # as last year but the demographic changed. Last year we had more older kids, this year we had more younger kids.

we had about 27 kids tues and probably about that again last night.

Last night a group of 3 teen aged girls came to the door. Minisnick handed out the candy (we were out of the pretzels by then) to the girls then when he looked up at the last girl he gave candy too out of his mouth poped this very loud and clear wink wink nod nod sort of "HI". Hilarious...even my dad who was sitting at the kitchen table heard the infliction in minisnicks voice and asked what that was about. Watch out brunettes of the world...

There's your new baby sitter. Did you get her phone number?

we had a dramatic increase.. there were tons of suburbans and vans filled with kids trucked in from other areas. after the first round of them didnt even say trick or treat or thanks I turned the lights off when I saw the "trucked in" kids coming through..

yeah Im that cranky!

We turned off the light when the trucked in kids showed up too. We had a few more than usual, but the weather was great and more houses on our block are getting into the spirit. We also were handing out full size candy bars for the first 36 kids. You know, 'cause we roll in the fatty money.

We got maybe half of the kids as we normally do.

Then again, we have quite a few new forclosures in my area.

We did get a lot of "thank you's" after we gave candy though!!

we are too far out from town and spaced farther apart...the parents drive the car house to house with the kids running back to car...if we only had kids/grandkids from the block it would be less than 12 kids

We had lots this year, and we usually have lots. Last year was slower than this year, though I think because of the fires. Half the houses on my street just weren't there last year so no one walked down...This year out of candy right around 9, and I bought about 15#.

I Hate Facking Pikeys:

Crazy story from last night. We were handing out candy as we're watching a movie on the couch. A couple friends show up w/ their young'n we shoot a shot and the breeze, then another couple show and we do the same. The front porch light was out, so we had our big front window shades drawn and the front door open/glass-screen door exposed so kids could see we were open for bisness. While sitting in the living room, we notice an adult sized kid in a creepy Hostel style costume (blood covered green doctor's getup with a mask & guts hanging out... etc.), standing outside the glass door just staring at us. I say "hey there's a trickertreater" and my wife turns to walk over to the door... notices this creeper staring and then it pushes the doorbell. Wife cracks the door, says the canned "who are you supposed to be" as she extends the candy bowl. Creeper Hostel puts a handful of candy into our bowl and takes a different handful and walks off. Wife turns back to us with a disturbing look. Says "that's weird" and retells the events, but adds "he didn't even say thank you".

I go into defense mode, and ask for the candy bowl. Sure shit there's a handful of body-part gummies or something in there we obviously didn't buy. I inspect the packaging for tears/holes/ect. imediately expecting this guy to have dumped off poison candy or LSD gummies or something for redistribution. So instead of risking anything I just threw them away. Another 10 minutes go by and the Hostel creeper shows back up but this time with two other smaller trickertreaters. Pretty much does the same thing but this time drops off a 1.5L bottle of barefoot. At this point we're all scratching our heads, and figure we must know this person. 10 mins. go by again and He shows back up with another bottle of wine so wife invites creeper in. We're all staring at the creeper standing there by the door and ask do we know you? Finally wife puts 2 and 2, and recognizes the wine brand and says you must be my mom. Creeper takes off mask and sure shit, It's her mom from Montana. She decided it would be fun to surprise/scare us and come for the weekend.

Well to spoil the surprise, as we're all standing around laughing at this shinanigan we get a knock on the door with a woman standing outside. She asked about the creeper and we explained, to which she followed with: "well my two 12 yr old boys just came home and said there was a molester who wanted them to go with him to play a trick on someone. Just when I thought they were old enough to go out on their own... well It wasn't funny for me...etc." Must have been a neighbor down the street. Apparently Montana mother-in-laws don't see things the same way Washington mothers do. So I did what any other neighbor would have done in this situation, went out back with some of the other guys who were over, shot another tequilla and fired up the chainsaw. The best was when one of them started screaming. _uck the powleece.

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We had a ton of kids this year. Moreso than last, but that's because the neighborhood is more built-out. We all basically put a bucket of candy on the front porch and all of the adults went to the center of the block to hang out and drink beer while we watched our kids walk from door to door.

I had trick or treaters at my front door as I was pulling into the garage at 5. It took me about 15 minutes to get into costume, then we were open for business. I think we ran out of candy sometime between 7:30 and 8. At that point we just went inside, put the kids to bed, and watched TV. We probably could have "regifted" the horde of candy my kids came home with if we wanted, but we figured the only ones left going at that point were the ones trucked in.

Finally wife puts 2 and 2, and recognizes the wine brand and says you must be my mom. Creeper takes off mask and sure shit, It's her mom from Montana. She decided it would be fun to surprise/scare us and come for the weekend.
I so wish my MIL would try something like that, that'd be all the justification needed to punch her square in the face, assuming the dog wouldn't end her before hand - either way win-win.
