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I'm strugguling to understand why the current in this problem is I = 1pu.  The problem is as follows:

An electric generator is rated for 20MVA, 13.8KV.  It is a diesel engine driven, three phase, four-wire system.  The generator is sailent pole with dampers.  The manufacturer's data for reactances is:

X"d = 0.20,      X'd = 0.30,      Xd = 1.25,    Xq = 0.90

Assume a terminal voltage of 1pu for a transient study conducted at rated power and voltage.  The power factor is 1.0.  What magnitude of generated voltage should be used for this study?

I know the following:

E'm = Vt - iX'dm, where E'm = generated transient voltage

Vt = 1pu    Xdm = 0.3     These where stated in the problem.

Not really sure why I = 1pu.  I guess it must have come from Vt being 1pu and the study being conducted at rated voltage and power.

Some explanation behind this would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance
