Today is National RUM Day!

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That is most unfortunate because I had already finished the Havana Club rum I brought back from the duty free shop at Jose Marti International in Havana. Buying it here would be much more expensive.

We have an engineer at work that looks like Captain Morgan. Does that count?
Whoa, that could either be really cool or super-lame-o.

I was never a big hard alcohol fan even when I was allowed to drink. Always been a beer buff.
It's totally not on purpose. The engineer is a hardcore Christian...I doubt he's ever tasted rum, much less looks like Captain Morgan on purpose.

We went to an "all you can eat/drink" place in Jamaica that greeted us with rum punch.

I thought it was pretty good and - long story short - did not make it to dinner that night.

A couple days later, I built the courage to browse the drink menu and found their standard punch has dark, light, coconut AND overproof (151) rum.

I thought, yeah, that explains a lot.
