The View..

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score
I'm sure most of you heard about the View's mocking of Ms Colorado's outfit (nurses uniform & no not the Halloween "sexy" nurses outfit)

I find something incredibly ironic that 1) anyone watches these useless cunts that have most likely never worked a day in their life taking an opportunity to bash someone for basically "having a real job" and not wearing a bikini? (isn't that what Trump is supposed to do?) and 2) I am sure they will have Hitlary on to tell all the people who watch that show about the income gap, inequality, etc, etc, etc.....

Of course the Mrs RG is a nurse so they are all pretty much enraged.. if you haven't watched the clip I encourage you to do so......

Thankfully that garbage show, or any of the other ones just like it, do not make it into my house. All of the audience members should have mental health check-ups on the way into the taping.

1. I've cried both times I watched it, including during the pageant. In college I would visit a man with Alzheimer's and it broke my heart the days I would walk into his room and he'd say, "I'm sorry, but I don't remember much today."

2. That was a way better talent than Miss Texas' awful routine. Gah.

I know my wife would be pissed if she had time to see it (also a nurse). She has gotten into spats with some of the neighborhood women who start these day-long group chats about the bullshit they do all day (manicures, hanging at the park, chilling on the back porch with a glass of wine, etc) when they turn around and complain about "all the work" they did that day because they made dinner. She would say, "you know what, bitch? I have to do all of that stuff too, plus I actually work for 40+ hours on top of that. GFY".

the wife got home at 8:30 PM yesterday, (left at 6:20) (her work is only 5 miles away) so that's her typical day.

Of course her and all her nursing buddies were in a mad texting, FB furry until 10:00 or so, which she then passed out to have to wake up and do it all over again...

Yet teachers claim they are the ones who are underpaid...
