The Office TP

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Spammer Emeritus
Nov 5, 2006
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I am wondering if I am the only one who buys my own toilet paper to bring to work, because the industrial strength institutional stuff is tearing my ass apart.

I've done this for many years. Sometimes I forget and leave my personal roll in the stall and it's all used up in under an hour.

I am wondering if I am the only one who buys my own toilet paper to bring to work, because the industrial strength institutional stuff is tearing my ass apart.
I've done this for many years. Sometimes I forget and leave my personal roll in the stall and it's all used up in under an hour.
I work in a small office of ~14 peopole total, and the office guru buys the good stuff, but if we didn't, yes, I would need to bring my own 2-ply as well.

My wife tried to buy the cheap stuff once to save money. I told her she could use the cheap stuff if she wanted, but I wasn't going to; and that she should use what she bought before she could switch back to the good stuff. She used it once once or twice, then put it in the guest bathroom. Now she also feels it is a luxury we can afford.

When I was younger, my dad was the First Sergeant of the Supply Squadron. He would bring home these rolls of recycled toilet paper that actually had the !@#$%^&* mulch chips interbedded with the sandpaper-like tissue.

It's no wonder I have so many issues as an adult .... :blink:


I thought what we had at work was bad until I saw some of the sandpaper that our clients use... thank god for the soft stuff at home!

We have the sandpaper here as well. I try to time myself such that I don't spend much time in the stalls at the office anyway.

What gets me more is the brown grocery bag-esque paper towels that don't actually absorb anything or actually function to dry your hands.

It varies here. It's usually whatever the cheapest thing the cleaning company can get. Sometimes it's sandpaper and other times it's decent. It's been a decent few months.

We've got the standard office grade stuff. It does the trick.

It's the tissues I can't deal with. It's like they're made of reclaimed asphalt. I bring in my own aloe coated ones from home.

We've got the standard office grade stuff. It does the trick.
It's the tissues I can't deal with. It's like they're made of reclaimed asphalt. I bring in my own aloe coated ones from home.
They don't even provide tissues here. I always have a box of super soft stuff with lotion or aloe else my nose/mouth gets red and irratated

Why, back in my day, we were so poor we couldn't even pay attention! We had to break off pieces of the cardboard box we had for a house and use that to wipe our butts! And we liked it........

You all need to get yourself some of this

