The Internet Sales Tax Rush

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
Every time Congress has taken a serious look at proposals to boost Internet sales taxes, it has rejected them. That's probably why pro-tax Senators are trying to rush through an online tax hike with as little consideration as possible.

As early as Monday, the Senate will vote on a bill that was introduced only last Tuesday. The text of this legislation, which would fundamentally change interstate commerce, only became available on the Library of Congress website over the weekend. And you thought ObamaCare was jammed through Nancy Pelosi's Democratic House in a hurry.


IL already tries to tax internet purchases. on taxes you can keep track and pay what you should owe or use a flat rate to approx what you may/maynot have bought.

Let them. I'll just start ordering my shit straight from China through FocalPrice or one of those jobbers.

Never heard of FocalPrice...they have good service and do you feel safe giving them CC info or do you run everything through PayPal?

I think I did it through PayPal just in case, but never had any problems with services. I've ordered some knock off sunglasses and stuff through them on occasion, and they've all shown up in a about a week, which isn't bad given where it's coming from. There's a handful of comparable places out there, some is no name stuff, some is grey market (i.e. legitimate goods, but not an "authorized" seller.)
