The Difference Between Democrats and Republicans

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Uncanny Pompadour
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
Atlanta GA
Okay, so here's the challenge: Determine the Mayor of Portland's political party affiliation from the news article presented (not that you couldn't guess), or for that matter, from any other AP news article you can find.

The difference between Democrats and Republicans is that, when an aged Republican has a heterosexual relationship with a teenager in his employ, he is shamed and his colleagues run him out of town, never to be heard from again. When an aged Democrat has a homosexual relationship with a teen in his employ, he is embraced as an unfairly oppressed participant in "different life choices."

Yeah, right. "Scumbag" isn't a uniquely heterosexual phenomenon.



[SIZE=10pt]Portland mayor admits lies about sex with teen[/SIZE]

After many denials, Adams confesses to relationship with man, 18, in '05

updated 6:57 a.m. ET, Tues., Jan. 20, 2009

PORTLAND, Ore. - More than a year after denying it, the newly elected mayor of Portland has admitted having a sexual relationship with a male teenager in 2005.

Sam Adams, who is openly gay, acknowledged the relationship in a statement Monday, after the Willamette Week newspaper broke the story on its Web site.


Hopefully, the brewing company will force him to change his name so as not to taint the face of their delicious product.

The difference between Democrats and Republicans is that, when an aged Republican has a heterosexual relationship with a teenager in his employ...
I think that's why they employ teenagers. They probably need to stay awy from the kinder.

Chris hansen needs to investigate.

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Is there a particular story of a "aged republican" that you are referring to? In general it seems when any politician has a relationship with a person in their employ it's a big deal b/c the politician is usually married to someone else. In this case, the politician in question is not married and is openly gay. That registers as "meh" on my outrage meter.

I seem to recall a few years back there was a big outcry against a democrat who had a relationship with an intern. What was her name again? Ah yes, Lewinsky.

Is there a particular story of a "aged republican" that you are referring to? In general it seems when any politician has a relationship with a person in their employ it's a big deal b/c the politician is usually married to someone else. In this case, the politician in question is not married and is openly gay. That registers as "meh" on my outrage meter.
I seem to recall a few years back there was a big outcry against a democrat who had a relationship with an intern. What was her name again? Ah yes, Lewinsky.
I think the problem with bosses and subordinates usually is less about the marriage vows and more about potential abuse of power situation. Did the person get the job because of the relationship? Will they get favors because of the relationship? Etc. That's why it's generally not a popular thing for any boss to date a subordinate. Plus other problems - I think one of Barney Franks paramours was running a prostiution racket out of his Washington digs.

And I suppose it matters what age teenager. Mark Foley got run out of office just for sending somewhat suggestive emails to male pages. I don't think there was any evidence of a sexual relationship, just a 100 on the creepy meter.

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Mark Foley got run out of office just for sending somewhat suggestive emails to male pages. I don't think there was any evidence of a sexual relationship, just a 100 on the creepy meter.
And Larry Craig will (rightly) never see Washington DC again after snapping his fingers under an airport stall door.
I think my point is that anything that registers above about a 12 on the creepy meter (white noise) is inappropriate, and sleeping with your subordinates is inappropriate behavior under any circumstance, hetero- or homo-. Your workplace is not a singles bar. You do not get a pass for so bravely coming out of the closet. And get somebody your own age, you NAMBLA perv. We should demand more from our leaders.

Two others I hope I never have to hear from again are Bob Packwood and Chuck Robb. Stay gone, pervs, or go join the other side of the aisle. We expect better on this side.

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LOL! Now that's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time!
Point taken. The difference though is that the ®'s run you out of town when you embarass the party - in this case sleeping with a teenage employee 30 years junior. The (D)'s hold a pep rally to celebrate diversity.

Point taken. The difference though is that the ®'s run you out of town when you embarass the party - in this case sleeping with a teenage employee 30 years junior. The (D)'s hold a pep rally to celebrate diversity.
Those stupid registered trademark fatcats!

Actually, the gays and liberals seem pretty upset with him now, mainly because he lied about it during his campaign. People don't trust him anymore.

And not that I'm defending him or anything, but many of you made some assumptions here that are not true because the linked article didn't provide all of the information. The teenager (who was supposedly 18 at the time of the relationship) was not under the employment of Adams. The guy was an intern for an Oregon State Representative (while Adams was a Portland City Commissioner) and he asked Adams for advice on being gay and having a political career. Here's more detail for the story if you're intersted.

There is an investigation into whether Adams hired a reporter for a City position (to keep her quiet because she was going to write a story about it). People are mainly upset because Adams told the teen to lie about the relationship during the campaign. Personally, the guy kindof creeps me out because he lied about it (if he did nothing wrong, then why lie) but at least it wasn't with someone he employed.

Just wanted to clarify . . .
