The Burbs

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
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Some weird stuff is going on in my hood, actually across the street..

An alcoholic music teacher used to live across the street, I haven't seen her in months but her two grown sons are living there, there probably early 20's one might be 19 or so... Were assuming they are renting the house from her or something, I know she had money issues but it's weird I just haven't seen her in so long. When I was working on my basement at odd hours of the night she would stroll in, drunk, but it was always a funny experience....

So the sons living there, are basically losers, I know because their probation officer came to our house looking for them by accident (wrong house).. They haven't been noisy or disruptive but they always have at least 4 cars in driveway, and one or two on the street every night... I think they have been making an attempt to not make waves but it's just not a good element. Just Lots of people there..

It's 12:00 midnight and I just saw what looked to me to be a High school kid walking shit face drunk out of the house and down the hill, he fell twice in the process. I assume he lives here somewhere..

Not sure what if anything I should do, is their mom burried in the back yard? Surely their not that dumb?

The county I live in it's against the law to have more than 3 un related persons living in the house, that sucks for me cause 2 are related..I've been trying ti gi through the county code to find something to get them on. Sadly I can't get them on parking in the street because if it's less than 24 hours it's allowed..

HOA doesn't seem to be able to do anything, they are actually mowing the grass so i think they are trying. I've thought of talking to a few friends in the police dept to just do some drive byes to get some attention?

Allmthese kids for the most part look like the kid from the batman shooting spree, maybe they are all Rhodes scholars but something fishy be going on?...

Any ides to make them hit the road? I figure working at staples and burger king eventually paying the mortgage will get difficult. Last month my power bill was $340 alone....maybe due process will kick in and they will get foreclosed on. One of our brave neighbors kids went and looked in the winidows and they said there is no furniture or refridgerators, just lots of coolers and milk crates...

It's a free country. If they want to live w/o a fridge and be drunk, it's their biz. Until it affects you, I would leave it alone and wait for the inevitable foreclosure

hahahah. eh go over there with a beer in hand and say hayyyyyyyy whats goin on? if you act like you fit in you can snoop around and figure out what kind of people they are. just talk to em. Usually when i do this (mostly camping not neighbors cuz i only have really 3 in my vicinity) you can peg what kind of person it is. last one was a 97 rusted blazer towing a relatively new ski boat. and upon talking to him i could tell what he was hahaha. and i then knew, to keep my distance cuz there some illegal stuff in them there pockets.

but these might be harmless kids living long as they can off mom till inevitably they wind up back in jail or they get booted and the house is gone. trouble is you have to worry about it till then. Id check em out.

Seriously, though, I'd be OK with it as long as they were quiet. I wouldn't have a problem at all with them.

Live and let live.

Foreclosure can take forever. Utilities are much more efficient. Look for extension cords tapping off the neighbors.

It's just irritating and not consistent with our neighborhood. If it wasn't for my kids playing ini the front yard I really wouldn't care, but these people are losers and should be living in a trailer park ;)

Probably big Obama supporters also...

oh man i love my break barrel. what a blast you can have even at 3am without upsetting the authorities!!!! saturday i was takin out cans like it was goin outta style!!!! though closing one eye to focus made me a little off balance at that time hahah

If for the most part the neighbors are being civil, i.e. not raising a ruckuss, then I'd leave them alone. If trouble happens, make a police report. If anything escalates then at least there would be a record. Rocket's suggestion about heading over with a beer in hand is what I would do in most cases, but your situ smells a little strange. If they've buried the mother in the backyard or dug a pit in the basement and are keeping her in it, who knows what else they're capable of. I would pick a more neutral spot, like the street or sidewalk to gather intel. Study their maneuvers and try to catch one of them in the outside someday like during yard maintenance. Walk over with beer in hand and strike up a conversation and try to get some info.

keep tabs that your older kids aren't over there having a few brews with the "neighbors"

I'd go with the police friend drive bys, but not make a real stink until there is significant cause. It'll blow up before long (hopefully not literally)

Oh, and if you smell cat urine, they are cooking meth, call the cops ASAP.

<--Lives just outside the Meth Triangle

My experience FWIW is that, just like in the movie, you will drive yourself nuts waaaay before anybody gets caught doing anything. We have/had a few houses like that in my neighborhood and they just seem to linger on, and on, and on. Do everything you said, but also be prepared to be in it for the long haul.

There was one house exactly like that in our 'hood. Cops staked it out. People tried to peek in. Everyone (including police) was sure they were dealing, but no one could ever pin anything down. Eventually they just grew up and moved on I think. Good luck.

yeah I am not really that worried about it, its just annoying....i am sure they will eventually be gone and the house will be foreclosed on.. I submitted a complaint to the county code enforcement about them being in violation of the county code (more than 2 unrelated persons living in a house). only problem is they are usually not there during the day so they must either be working or "working it" when they go to the house there will likely be no one there..
