Thanksgiving Plans?

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
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Anyone have any big Thanksgiving plans this year?

I'm going to be dragged off to the future mother in law's house for the holiday, though I'm doing my best to try to convince the SO to let us stay in a hotel instead. Between her dog, a dozen or so kids running around, and my seasonal allergies, I end up being one big sick ball of asthma attack every time I go there.

So when did you propose?

We always go north for holidays to see the families. although mr snicks brother called like 1.5 weeks ago asking what our plans were for christmas already.

I haven't yet, just an inevitability at this point (for tax purposes, of course.)

Supe, as long as the hotel doesn't affect the budget, then I'd agree that would be my preference also.

Family is local so thanksgiving is the usual crowd.

Hanging around town. There's only so many times I feel like flying halfway across country, plus it gets expensive. The plan is to go in January when my mom and I have birthdays on consecutive days.

95% of the family I know are within 30 minutes of home, so we don't travel anywhere for the holidays.

I'm internally fighting Thanksgiving plans. I'm tired of always having to be the one to travel during the holidays... plus it was just assumed that we would go where everyone wanted us to go, we were not exactly invited, we were told.

I'm internally fighting Thanksgiving plans. I'm tired of always having to be the one to travel during the holidays... plus it was just assumed that we would go where everyone wanted us to go, we were not exactly invited, we were told.
I know exactly what you are talking about!!!!

It was great that first thanksgiving after minisnick was born. We told the fams we were NOT traveling the 5 hrs north with a newborn and stayed home just the 3 of us.

yeah, I think I am going to put my foot down on this and say we are just staying at home. My niece is in the nutcracker again this year so my older sisters family is using Wednesday and Friday as travel days. And I think I would rather wait until my younger sister has her baby and travel to see meet him/her then just see her with a big ole belly.

Staying home for HS football...but we usually have the family at our house anyway. Oven-roasted and smoked turkey with pan dressing.

I'm internally fighting Thanksgiving plans. I'm tired of always having to be the one to travel during the holidays... plus it was just assumed that we would go where everyone wanted us to go, we were not exactly invited, we were told.
I know exactly what you are talking about!!!!

It was great that first thanksgiving after minisnick was born. We told the fams we were NOT traveling the 5 hrs north with a newborn and stayed home just the 3 of us.

I've had less and less desire to drive the 4.5 hours for the holiday gatherings. The family just assumes everyone will come to them, invite or not. What happens when one assumes? ;)

Not sure, it wil depend on the wifes work schedule, but my in laws have told us "how expensive plane tickets are to Denver from Thanksgiving to new years"

of course last spring they spent $12,000 on a trip for themselves to the Galapanos islands so I guess they just dont have that kind of money :)

Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, we may be having 3-4 family gatherings at the house. Part of the curse of getting a large abode I guess.

We're planning a semi-block party. Most of the families in the neighborhood are from out of state, so we just get together and eat as a group instead of dealing with airports. I have some semi-local family (all about 2+ hours away), but we just want to keep it low-key and hangout at the house.

Girlfriend is flying up for Thanksgiving. The tickets I got her are now selling for $917, but I used some of my frequent flier miles, though there were decent flights from Atlanta for about $450 Wednesday-Sunday. We're going to my brother's for Thanksgiving (she hasn't met my brother's family yet or my grandma), then driving across the state for a concert on Friday, then back to my house and on to a holiday light show thing at the zoo on Saturday.

I just hope we don't get a huge snowstorm that weekend.
