I'm trying to remember what about my personal life I divulged on here. Dleg, I didn't become a doctor, I came close but after talking to quite a few doctors it sounded like it would be super frustrating. After that crazy idea, I started a company with a few other guys. Had some fun with that, took a few hard knocks, learned some good lessons, hopefully became a little wiser, and here I am, after a couple of other quick pit stops on the career path.
I emailed back and forth with Road Guy after VT died. I was really sorry to hear that. He was a great guy, and he made me laugh quite a bit.
Other than that, my kids are getting older, I have a little bit of gray hair coming in, but I have been incredibly blessed. I'm probably a little less abrasive than I once was and I am much happier.
I hope all of you are well.