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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
Photolava is blocked, so I'm testing somthing..


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Those are charcoal bags, filled with CAB dead soldiers. That's what it looks like when the family gets together to cook chickens at the pit.

I was testing a new image hosting site and the HTML language looked a little hinky, so I was experimenting with it.

I can see it as well ...

Photobucket is blocked from here as well as a number of other 'commercially' available hosting sites.

What is the site Capt?


Well, I'd take the ignore down, but that's probably why most peeps are looking.

Never can have too many free image hosting sites.

Double damn...

3. The following types of sites are not allowed to use this service: sites encouraging illegal activity or racism, sites providing instructions or discussions about performing illegal activities, sites that promote or utilize software or services designed to deliver unsolicited email, sites that promote any pornography or adult oriented material, or any other sites that we deem to be inappropriate.
So, how long til EB gets banned from using it?

Well, I could see you first picture, but not that last one.

I'll have to give it a shot, since photolava has banned me. I honestly dn't know why, since the only thing I ever put on there was my MS Pain artworks. Maybe the pig diarrhea one offended someone??

Well, I could see you first picture, but not that last one.
I'll have to give it a shot, since photolava has banned me. I honestly dn't know why, since the only thing I ever put on there was my MS Pain artworks. Maybe the pig diarrhea one offended someone??
Some people just don't get art.

That second picture isn't showing up for me now, either, but I tried soemthing a little different.
