subjective grading

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Taking suggestions
Nov 3, 2006
Reaction score
unpadded cell
MInisnick is going to have the same problem I did in english/literature type classes.  He has been getting 2s instead of 3s because he isn't answering the questions the way the teacher wants them answered.  They have to read a ministory then answer questions.  This weeks scenario was about a little girl who snuck cookies after mom said no and broke the cookie jar.  put it back on the counter and  instead of fessing up she runs to her room and stews with guilt.  she then goes and admits to mom and gets punished.  The question was What lesson did the girl learn.  He answered listen to your parents.  she marked it wrong and said the lesson was don't lie.  

I never saw the point in the 1,2,3,4 grading system - our kids had it here in CO middle school - but its not used in HS.

an A could be a 4 or a 3, but a 2 is not necessarily  a C.. dumbest thing I have experienced with kids in schools..(so far)

it's not even that.

3 = meets standard

2=approaching standard

1=needs intervention

Meets standard to me is like the whole minimally acceptable so getting a 3 tells me nothing of where one excels or does better.  

Well, sooner or later a kid needs to learn that the answer is always 'what the teacher says it is' so I think this is a good lesson to learn.  

Hard to argue on the teachers behalf, since at no point did the story say she actually lied...
i guess the girl lied my putting the jar away, lie by ommission sort of thing.  But the others he is getting dinged on are of the nature when there is more than one acceptable answer and since he didn't put the one she wanted or include all of them when the question just asked for one.

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i guess the girl lied my putting the jar away, lie by ommission sort of thing.  But the others he is getting dinged on are of the nature when there is more than one acceptable answer and since he didn't put the one she wanted or include all of them when the question just asked for one.
What ever happened to pleading the fifth?  I'm waving the BS flag.
