Star Wars 3D

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
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Any interest in this? My kids want to go see it, I wish Lucas would put his energy in making 7,8,9 personally......

I'm a Star Wars junkie, so I'll waste money on it.

We do need Episodes VII-IX more though. Preferably before everyone associated with the two trilogies dies of old age.

Aren't R2 and 3PO supposed to be the only common thread throughout all 9 episodes? At least that's what my mom told me as a kid.

Just another way to milk the story. Damn. How many different versions of 4-6 came out on VHS? And then there are box sets. Then the new DVD's and then Blu Rays. Finally come out with 1-3? 'Bout freakin' time. Oh, we're going to be given the opportunity to see it again? No way! And, holy sh*t, it's in ThReE dImEnSiOnS!!! If it makes them money, good for them. I won't be one of the suckers giving them my green-backs, though.

Harry Potter was milked for last book and the second half came out WAAAAY too late. Now Mr. JRR is having his legacy milked for a two-parter for The Hobbit. And a year apart at that. Sheesh... :rolleyes:

I could never get more than 20 minutes into the Harry potters movies....

I was cleaning out some stuff and found a brand new, never opened VHS set of the re-release of episodes 4-6 I think I got for Xmas one year.. Might make some nice bookends I guess..

I could never get more than 20 minutes into the Harry potters movies....
I watched one last weekend, my mom is into it. Not what I expected, much more adult oriented than I figured it would be. I liked it.

Her new dog is named after one of the characters, so I figure I need to bone up the films to figure out why.

I'm a Star Wars junkie, so I'll waste money on it.

We do need Episodes VII-IX more though. Preferably before everyone associated with the two trilogies dies of old age.

Aren't R2 and 3PO supposed to be the only common thread throughout all 9 episodes? At least that's what my mom told me as a kid.
Ditto. I don't care if Lucas Films is milking it. It's still Star Wars and it's on the big screen again. Win. I could care less if it is 3D or not. As far as I know I believe the droids are the commonality throughout all the episodes. Would be cool if they made Dark Forces Rising. That was a pretty damn good chapter. Sadly Lucas has made it very clear that he doesn't intend to make the last 3 episodes and has ensured no one else will either. Who knows though...

Jar-Jar in 3D. I'll pass.
Agreed. Would have no qualms with editing out that ridiculous character. Or having him bump into Darth Maul. :vadar:

+6.0221415 x 1023 Star Wars

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The only Star Wars movie I liked was the first one, and I really wasn't all that enthused with it.

The only thing that really bothered me about Episode 1 (aside from the obvious Jar Jar) was the fact that Darth Maul got killed. I think he could have been a good multi-episode character, but instead we got to see Jar Jar for all 3 of the new ones (including #3 with him as an ambasador, really?).

+1e^1,000,000,000 LOTR

Dart Maul was basically just a Sith thug. He didn't bring much to the table character wise. Basically a plot device to get Anakin in Obi-Wan's hands and Sidious needing a new apprentice. His fighting was awesome though.

The prequels are so uneven. I was so into it at the time that I didn't care that much as long as I got to see new Star Wars on the big screen. New Hope came out before I was born and I was too young to remember Empire or Jedi.

Menace is a kid's movie with Jar Jar and little Ani, Clones is a wooden romance story, and Sith was much darker in its themes.

But yeah, I saw all of them at midnight when they opened. The Obi-Wan/Vader duel on Mustafar intermixed with Yoda/Sidious is 15 of my favorite minutes of film though.

when i go back and watch the prequals i admit how terrible they were... they are better on the big screen though.. and I am a huge star wars fan so it pains me to say this......

I admit that I'll see them, and I'll buy them on 3D Blu-ray..... sigh.....
