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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
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acquiring satelites...
They just said you could land a full size commercial airplane on the wire he's about to walk on.

The real question is...could it then take off?

(I sure hope he makes it across, or this thread will be sad.)

Is that the same spot Evil Kenevil couldn't get across with his rocket car?

I don't believe so. Evel's rocket car was at Snake River Canyon.

Yahoo is reporting that the Wallenda stunt was not at the "Grand Canyon" because the Grand Canyon wouldn't let him do it. It was on Navajo land over some gorge that's connected to the grand canyon. Looks pretty scary. That whole family is nutz.

My only clear memory of the rocket car stunt was that he chickened out and deployed the parachute before it even left the ramp.

^I had the supercool Aladdin lunchbox of that jump.


yeah the Snake River Canyon jump was about as anti-climatic as when Geraldo opened Capone's secret vault

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yeah the Snake River Canyon jump was about as anti-climatic as when Geraldo opened Capone's secret vault

"She's hot...down range," became a joke phrase for a good solid week after that stupid show.

I still say his 'expose' on Satanic cults in the US was even funnier in an "OMG, are people really buying this shiite?" kind of way.

I was a kid when Karl Wallenda fell to his death in Puerto Rico...and saw it on live TV. It is not something I take pleasure on remembering.

^ That's what had me apprehensive to watch last night. My husband was all excited to watch it and I said, "You know we're potentially watching a man die tonight, right?" Once it started, my husband wanted to turn it off. The fact that Nik Wallenda kept taking a knee when the line was shaking didn't help.

I was a kid when Karl Wallenda fell to his death in Puerto Rico...and saw it on live TV. It is not something I take pleasure on remembering.

I remember seeing that on TV too. It's why I also had no desire to watch last night either.

i was watching the re-run at 9:45 when we got home from the movies and even knowing he made it, still made the last 100 feet uncomfortable to watch...

I have it on the DVR and was waiting to hear the results before I watched it...

Someone at work just showed me the Puerto Rico fall, looks like the balance bar is what killed him... That had to have been horrible to watch line. Also he looked pretty old to be doing that type of thing...

Someone at work just showed me the Puerto Rico fall, looks like the balance bar is what killed him... That had to have been horrible to watch line. Also he looked pretty old to be doing that type of thing...

The area he tried to cross, a road between two hotel buildings is just by the Atlantic Ocean. The name is Ashford Avenue and even when there is no wind, it is windy there. All the buildings in the area create like a wind tunnel along the street. He was asked not to do it or, at least, to place a net. He refused. The rest is history. It was a traumatic day for many people in the island. The TV commentator was choked in tears and we are talking about a heck of a TV reporter with an impeccable reputation.

It was very nerve wrecking.

is it bad that I wanted to see if he would start to fall?

I figured if he began to go down, he'd wrap that black rope around his neck around that cable, then they'd send the safety cage after him. it would have been dramatic for sure.

I also predict a Saturday Night Live skit due to the excessive praying going on...
