Shots fired in Canadian Parliment

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My buddy from college vacations to Canada every year. He and his wife chose today to visit Ottawa. They arrived shortly after the solder at the war memorial was shot, and left shortly before they gunman opened fire at the parliament building. And since they were there sight-seeing, they were right in the middle of all that. They made it out safe, but they are a little shaken up.

I haven't seen the news yet, have they identified it if this was terrorist activity? I am assuming it was since they went after a Canadian soldier.

I think they have identified the shooter as someone who converted to islam recently and was "radicalized".

So the ceremonial master at arms is the guy who shot and killed the terrorist. I always thought those positions were 100% ceremony (i.e. not actually armed) I wonder if the same position , Master at Arms for the US Congress that announces the president and other dignitaries is also a "real cop" and also armed?

good ending to a sad story..
