Shell Report Predicts Nearly Oil-Free Transport by 2070

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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In the report, Shell looks at the future through two different perspectives, the first it calls ‘Mountains’ and the second it calls ‘Oceans.’ The prediction of nearly oil-free transport comes from the Mountains sides, which aims to look at the future by assuming that existing governmental and economic power structures are maintained.

Oil-free transportation will be achieved through a number of factors. First, Shell says cities will grow, helping to reduce individual travel by about 1,200 miles every year. A major shift to public transport and bicycles in urban centers will contribute to less driving.

Commercial transport will be the first to shift to natural gas fueled vehicles, while smaller delivery vehicles will go to electrification much sooner.

Even so, Shell says that the passenger transportation sector will continue to use more oil until a 2035 peak, when electrification and hydrogen power begin to turn the tide. Between 2035 and 2070, a major rollout in hydrogen infrastructure will help to offset our dependence on oil, and eventually Shell says that plug-in hybrid hydrogen powered vehicles will be the future of personal transport.

I'm skeptical, but who knows...Shell would have a lot riding on this.

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