Honestly, I thought both the morning and afternoon questions were fairly balanced. Morning questions on the vertical portion seemed almost too easy - but in reality, they left just enough time to not feel rushed towards the end, I walked out during the lunch break wondering how many "easy and wrong" solution bubbles I filled in. Afternoon vertical had a good mix of some straight-forward and interesting problems. One thing I definitely realized, is that it pays to turn the page to make sure you are getting the full picture. Not doing that, forced me to backtrack a little bit and have to pick up the speed later on. Morning lateral was, in my opinion, somewhat more difficult than the morning vertical, though it was fair and definitely not impossible. Afternoon lateral required some tricks to speed up the process, but I thought it was a well thought out problem set. I was finishing up the last section of the last problem when the instructor announced "You now have 1 minute". By pencils down on Saturday afternoon, I felt pretty good about the exam as a whole. Not knowing what to expect, I was really expecting the absolute worst and it turned out to be much more reasonable then I ever would have hoped for. I definitely used every minute of each 4 hour section. There were not too many "squirrely" questions or "poorly worded time sucks" as some of my peers thought would be peppered throughout - being a new exam. You could tell NCEES is taking this exam seriously and I say kudos to them! I took the Building module and the girl sitting in front of me was taking the Bridge module. She also seemed to be pretty satisfied with the quality of questions and the amount of time they required. Then again Bridge had 3 problems, Building had 4 so I am not sure how that works out. I was told by one of the proctors that 30 people took the SE Friday exam (we were mixed in with the PEs) and only 12 of us masochists took the Saturday exam (we were mixed in with the FEs) here in Denver.