School of PE review course

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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2006
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Auburn, AL
Out of curiosity, is anybody here going through the School of PE review course? If so, how are the new depth modules (the combined WR/Enviro and Construction).

Good Luck to everyone!!!



Since we have the results coming in, maybe someone can give their 0.02 cents worth here.

I heard School of PE is good. Test Masters study material is even Better.

Not trying to start something with avsr, but how can you say one is better than the other w/o taking both courses?

School of PE has a 88% first time pass rate. IMHO I'd consider that better than just good ... Just my 2 cents.

Not trying to start something with avsr, but how can you say one is better than the other w/o taking both courses?
School of PE has a 88% first time pass rate. IMHO I'd consider that better than just good ... Just my 2 cents.
A couple observations...

1. The comment above said the "study material was better" - that's not the same as the "course was better".

2. I don't trust ANYONE's own claim of first-time pass rate.

3. This is like asking "which doctor is better?" Well, the doctor that cured you is the best in the business and the doctor that didn't cure you is the worst.

I've heard *lot's* of feedback about Testmasters and I've taken the course myself. If there's a better compilation of study material, I can't imagine it. The courses themselves must certainly vary a bit from time-to-time.

The reason I started this thread is because I am enrolled on the School of PE for the October exam, and am thinking about taking the WR/ENV depth. So I was looking for someone who took the course to get their opinions of the combined sections for the review course.

The reason I started this thread is because I am enrolled on the School of PE for the October exam, and am thinking about taking the WR/ENV depth. So I was looking for someone who took the course to get their opinions of the combined sections for the review course.
You didn't ask the question, but I'd tell you the bigger concern is how the review course will prepare you for the breadth. In a sense, the depth is easy because you won't have too much trouble going through the CERM by itself to get enough knowledge on the depth subjects. But it is IMPOSSIBLE to cover the entire CERM in a few hundred hours (which is my assessment of the most amount of time you should spend effectively studying).

Unless there's someone here who thought the CERM didn't adequately cover the WR/ENV depth for all but a handful of qualitative questions... but then I might argue with them.

Out of curiosity, is anybody here going through the School of PE review course? If so, how are the new depth modules (the combined WR/Enviro and Construction).
Good Luck to everyone!!!

Oh, ray, but I did ask the question. ;)

Oh, ray, but I did ask the question. ;)
I poorly worded my first sentence... what I meant to communicate was that you asked the question about the depth modules and I believe the more important question is about the breadth perspective. I should have highlighted the word "breadth".

I agree with you. I haven't taken none of these courses but i do have the study material from testmasters. I felt the material was comprehensive enough. One of my friends wasn't happy about the School of PE review course.


I never specified "study material vs. course material." You are reading too much into my statement. My statement was how can you say one is better than the other w/o taking both courses. That's a fair and open comment.

I never specified "study material vs. course material." You are reading too much into my statement. My statement was how can you say one is better than the other w/o taking both courses. That's a fair and open comment.
OK... at this rate, I go going to have to provide context/quotes for EACH of my responses!

I wasn't reading much into your statement... here's what what was written:

avsr wrote "I heard School of PE is good. Test Masters study material is even Better."

You wrote "Not trying to start something with avsr, but how can you say one is better than the other w/o taking both courses?"

I wrote "1. The comment above said the "study material was better" - that's not the same as the "course was better"."

Now, let me ask... do you think I ever thought that *you* specified study material vs. course material?!?

And to address your "My statement was how can you say one is better than the other w/o taking both courses. That's a fair and open comment."... my point is simply this: I believe the value of the review course is in their reference material (aka study material) more than the presentation of that material in the classroom. *THAT* is why I can say one is better that the other without taking both courses. I can COMPARE the reference material. And remember, I wrote "If there's a better compilation of study material, I can't imagine it."

Make sense?


However, I disagree with your principal that "I believe the value of the review course is in their reference material (aka study material) more than the presentation of that material in the classroom." I believe there are many two types of students: independent studiers and those that need instruction. Other posts will back this up that 'instructor comments are invaluable.' Speaking from experience, I know I was able to answer to questions directly from recall of something an instructor said that was not in the reference notes. The point I am trying to make is that some students may need to be taught, some may be out of school for a while and may not remember by simply reading notes and others may just simply respond better to instruction versus independent study. That's it. I believe there is more to rating a review course than just it's notes.

I do not want to get into defending one course versus the other.

However, I disagree with your principal that "I believe the value of the review course is in their reference material (aka study material) more than the presentation of that material in the classroom." I believe there are many two types of students: independent studiers and those that need instruction. Other posts will back this up that 'instructor comments are invaluable.' Speaking from experience, I know I was able to answer to questions directly from recall of something an instructor said that was not in the reference notes. The point I am trying to make is that some students may need to be taught, some may be out of school for a while and may not remember by simply reading notes and others may just simply respond better to instruction versus independent study. That's it. I believe there is more to rating a review course than just it's notes.

I do not want to get into defending one course versus the other.

I think we can continue to discuss this without getting into "which course is better" (even though that's what started this thread)... but undoubtedly, the conclusions would get used to compare courses after the fact.

I don't agree with your characterization that a PE Review course is for "students may need to be taught". Do you know of ANY review course that advertises "we'll teach you what you didn't learn in college?" Testmasters was very matter-of-fact: "we are here to help you pass an exam, not teach you material."

While instructor comments may help you answers on the test, what you're left with after 80 hours of review class are your review notes. The CERM is the BIBLE for the exam, but it's hard to study from (there's just too much!). A good review course will focus your attention. If you're using it to learn material, I think you're wasting your time and money.

Of course there's more to rating a review course than just looking at the notes... I just don't think there's anything more important than how they FOCUS you for the exam. And the review notes are the best indicator of how they do that, as I'm sure you'd agree.

Actually, this thread was started because I wanted to get some feedback on the new WR/ENV and Construction review seesions for the School of PE review course. I really don't care what Testmasters has to offer - I am taking the School of PE review course in a few months.

Some opinions from those that just tok the School of PE review course is all that I am after.

Getting back on topic, I found School of PE very helpful. I passed Civil - WR first attempt spring 2007. Everyone is different, but here is my experience and how I approached the exam.

All of my collegiate education is in Ocean Engineering. I have never had a Transportation or Environmental class in my life. Knowing this, plus the fact that I hadn't had but one Structures class (undergrad) and two geo classes, I knew I had an uphill climb to pass the exam. I started studying the CERM 6 months before the exam about 10 hours per week following the suggestions of many on this board. The School of PE began about 2 months before the exam and by that time I was burned out and tired of studying on my own.

Here's where the class came in handy for me - the instructor was able to clear up confusion on certain topics. The class was also a great change of pace regarding studying (all I did during this time was attend class) and this change refreshed me.

Call me the exception, but I think this is where IlPadrino and I differed. While I had to "self-teach" myself many subjects, there came a point where I became overwhelmed. School of PE instructors were able to boil everything down, direct me to concentrate on high probability subjects and keep me focused. I know this is rare, but I hardly used the review notes during the exam b/c I was so familiar with the CERM from studying beforehand. I can say w/o a doubt I would not have passed without taking the review course.

Again, I know I am in the minority here but the instruction was more valuable that the notes - to me. Study beforehand and utilize the instructors by bringing your questions to the course. Hope this helps.
