i am also recommend this course:www.eng.morgan.edu/~indral/PE-April2010.html
I had taken one of the class room courses but the professor (Dr. Indranil Goswami) has decided to offer it online. He has also written a book All-in-one PE guide. The reviews on amazon are extremely good for the book. The professor is extremely knowledgeable and teaches all the disciplines. In a way it is an advantage because he corelates overlapping points. For example, aquifers are there in geotech as well as water resc. Since one professor teaches both the topics there is less overlap. Also, the website says that recordings of the class will be posted until the exam, therefore, if you happen to miss a class for some reason, you can always view the recording.
Most of the topics for which questions were asked were touched upon in the class.
Please note that I am not advocating for the class, but just giving information as to what is available.