Satanists victims of a hate crime?

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what the heck difference does it make if the police file as theft, vandalism or a hate crime. I'm sure the police will give this case the attention it deserves. So what do these people want besides publicity.

FWIW, I wiouldn't want to live next door to people who worship Satan. It can't be good for property values.

I think a hate crime is automatically escalated to felony offense and is typically investigated by federal investigators, so the resources that would be assigned to the case would be greater and the punishment for the perpetrator would be more severe.

But I think these people are just out for publicity.

Exactly why the local authorities are classifying it as a theft.

I reiterate,

I'm sure the police will give this case the attention it deserves.
Is Satan even running for office in Colorado? Maybe he took the sign down
